Page 9 - NAMAH-Jul-2017
P. 9
The metaphysical basis for Integral Health — Integral Manifestation
In the gestalt perspective, the whole is more
than the sum of its parts. When the parts, This One can be all because it is no one in
though appearing discrete and separate, have particular, it can be all-pervading and eternal in
an underlying commonality, an integrated its essence because it is not bound by Space or
perspective appears. If however, the parts by Time. It is One but it is also multitudinous,
not only reflect the whole but the whole itself its multitudes are the self-expression, not the
is present in essence in each part and if each denial, the abundance, not the division or
part is identified with the whole, we can begin fragmentation of its oneness. Each being of its
to appreciate what we mean by integralism. multitudes seems to be a portion of the One… (1)”
Integralism is a complex phenomenon. The This means that in each form of manifestation,
One does not become the Many at the strike of a the Infinite is present as a finite phenomenon
gong, nor does the Infinite change into finite one of itself.
morning. Rather they co-exist as different poises
of an Integral Reality. In Chapter V of The Life If this is true, then what we term the manifestation
Divine, Sri Aurobindo characterises the existential is not a haphazard phenomenon. If all that is
aspect of Reality as Integral Manifestation. Reality manifested is simultaneously another poise
is conceived to be One, whether manifest or of that which exceeds the manifestation,
unmanifest, and in the various forms and then obviously, such a manifestation must
processes of manifestation. Reality is perceived in follow its own law, rhythm and harmony.
essence as a Being (or Non-being) while whatever Indeed the manifested worlds have their
has manifested within the limits of space and time own laws and processes, which are so exact
have been termed as Becoming. and precise that the human mind has been
able to systematise knowledge. The world
Some view ‘Being’ to be ‘Real’ and ‘Becoming’ of Matter has given rise to the physical
to be illusory, ephemeral, existing only in sciences, the world of Life has given rise to the
subjective perception. Sri Aurobindo views biological sciences and the world of Mind has
both ‘Being’ and ‘Becoming’ to co-exist simul- given rise to the cognitive, psycho-social and
taneously: metaphysical disciplines. Likewise, Reality,
which is experientially perceived as a Oneness
“Being and Becoming are the single One. The in essence that pervades and surpasses all
One does not become the Many, but the One manifested forms must have its own laws
is for ever the Many even as the Many are for and processes. This Oneness is perceived
ever the One…. and conceptualised in mystical disciplines