Page 11 - NAMAH-Jan-2018
P. 11
Namah Editorial
intuitive revelations descend to the level of It has been a traditional belief that the
the mind, they invariably get mixed up with moment one opts for a spiritual life, a creative
ordinary thoughts that are coloured with inner life, the conventional astrological
egoistic twists, idiosyncrasies, prejudices and prototypes do not match. Brunton narrates
falsehood. As a result, if some predictions are what the Buddha told aspirants of his path:
exceptionally brilliant, some other predictions
turn out to be miserably untrue. “I forbid you, O Bhikshus, to employ any spells
or supplication, for they are useless, since the
Moreover, horoscopes are best regarded as law of karma governs all things. That mendicant
”indicator of circumstances (3)” rather than does right to whom omens, meteors, dreams
determinants of the future. The Mother and signs are things abolished; he is free from
explains: all their evils (5).”
“The stars have no decisive influence. It is The issue of karma
only if one does not believe in the Divine
that one unnecessarily suffers by believing A pertinent query arises as to whether it is
that they determine one’s life. possible to negate the disharmonious effects
of past karmas through astrological remedies.
“I have known many astrologers both in Europe Indian spirituality in its deepest quest never
and India. So far, nobody has been able to read had faith in such easy solutions. It actually
the future correctly. There are three reasons for advocated the concept of mukti or liberation
the failure. First, the astrologers do not know from the bondage of the world through
how to read the future properly. Secondly, the renunciation of the ego and desire. Such a
horoscope is always incorrectly made — unless liberation alone would free one from bondage
a man is a mathematical genius. And even for and karma. However, this equation might
such a person it is very difficult to make a correct not be as straightforward as it seems. In an
horoscope. Thirdly, when people say that the excellent deliberation on the Ishavasyopanishad
stars in this or that house at the time of birth rule between the guru and the student, Sri Aurobindo
your life, they are quite wrong. The stars under suggests that liberation or mukti prevents
which you are born are only ‘tape-recorders’ of future deeds from creating bondage but does
physical conditions. They do not rule the future not guarantee relief from past karmas that
of the soul. There is something beyond, which have already created bondage. Causes created
rules the stars themselves and everything else. “while in the illusion of bondage... must be
The soul belongs to this Supreme Being. And allowed to work out its effects, otherwise the
if it is doing Yoga, then all the more it should chain of causation is snapped and the whole
never believe in the power of the stars or in any economy of nature is disturbed and thrown
other power. ... into chaos (6).”
“Only a great Yogi can tell you your future However, Indian spirituality has also assured
correctly. But even then there is the Supreme that the Divine Grace can pull out one from the
Will which alone controls and decides everything fetters of bondage if one can fully surrender
(4).” to the Truth and the Light.