Page 47 - NAMAH-Jan-2018
P. 47


        Body consciousness work

        Dr. Vandana Gupta

        This article briefly touches on the connection of our physical body to our psychic being. It speaks of how
        the physical body can be made well by this connection.

        This is a work of training to sense how the  So easily we can imagine things. Many are
        body is living. The training includes a learning  also used to visualisations. If we do not connect
        to observe the body without imagination,  to the body, there is a whole inner world
        without creating images, without judgment,  which reveals itself when we go inside with
        just to be real in the body. This work is done  the senses. And if we are not to drift into these
        in different steps. Only the guidelines are  inner worlds, then we must keep a base and
        given here. The exact process is described  that is the physical body.
        in a book, The Body Speaks .
                                                 In this work, the perception must be real. It
        The first step in this work is to connect to the  should not be something you impose upon
        physical body. Even though it seems simple,  yourself. The experience should be real. There
        it is the most difficult because most often we  are many experiences in the inner worlds
        live in the mind or feelings, not the body.So,  which are real but we are going to focus on
        we do a small exercise of connecting to the  the ones that are connected to the physical
        body with the eyes open, touching, feeling  body.
        and moving the different parts of the body;
        then again with the eyes closed. We can observe  The second very important thing is that the
        how the perceptions are different. This slight  physical body always, invariably, reflects the
        difference is also going to be there when we  Truth. There is no distortion in the physical
        work with the inner senses. We must keep  body, very rarely. It is showing things as
        the outer connection alive.              they are. It is also responding to the truth

        1  Vandana Gupta Dr. The Body Speaks... Healing through Knowledge. Revised 2  ed. Pondicherry: Healing
        Center, Bommayarpalayam, Tamil Nadu; 2016.

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