Page 42 - NAMAH-Apr-2019
P. 42
Namah Vol. 27, Issue 1, 24th April 2019
a fact that children are better managed and being planned to suit material conveniences.
counselled by their peer group. Of course, the The Mother illumines this subject with vividness
peer group interaction has to be supervised so and certitude:
that it is constructive and meaningful. Games
are very important to deal with the buoyant “For to bring children into the world as rabbits
energy of childhood but for affected children do their young — instinctively, ignorantly,
there should be preferably a judicious machine-like, that certainly cannot be called
combination of two types of games. There is maternity! True maternity begins with the
the big, wide game like football which allows conscious creation of a being, with the willed
an outlet to the pent-up energy. There is the shaping of a soul coming to develop and utilise
finer game like tennis where the mind and the a new body. The true domain of women is the
body have to coordinate with finesse so that spiritual. We forget it but too often.
the mind does not roam elsewhere during the
game. Both types of games are necessary to To bear a child and construct his body almost
deal effectively with the libidinal energy so subconsciously is not enough. The work really
that it is channelised in the right direction. commences when, by the power of thought and
will, we conceive and create a character capable
Together with the physical discipline, the of manifesting an ideal.
child needs to have the augmentation of
aesthetic and creative potentials. The left-brain And do not say that we have no power for
activities of analytical pragmatism need to be realising such a thing. Innumerable instances
balanced by the right-brain endorsement of of this very effective power could be brought
artistic and creative potentials for a more out as proofs.
balanced growth of the personality.
First of all, the effect of physical environment
In addition, as we have already noted, was recognised and studied long ago. It is by
libidinal discrepancy is most often associated surrounding women with forms of art and
with other problematic behaviours that also beauty that, little by little, the ancient Greeks
need to be addressed while simultaneously created the exceptionally harmonious race that
boosting the self-esteem of the child. they were.
The New Creation Individual instances of the same fact are
numerous. It is not rare to see a woman who,
When I am confronted with a child who has while pregnant, had looked at constantly and
been brought for making libidinal advances admired a beautiful picture or statue, giving
to parental figures, the first thing that strikes birth to a child after the perfect likeness of this
me is whether the child was born only in picture or statue….
the flux of lust and desire. Was there no
aspiration to be gifted with a noble soul? But if we can obtain such results on the physical
The psychological attitude of the would-be plane where the materials are the least plastic,
parents perhaps needs to be addressed in a how much more soon the psychological plane
world where pregnancies are increasingly where the influence of thought and will is so