Page 8 - NAMAH-Jul-2019
P. 8


        Dealing with the ego

        The parable of Sambara                   prime importance to ego-functioning.

        In Yoga Vasistha, an important Vedanta  What is the ego
        treatise, the psychological significance
        of the ego is beautifully described in the  This brings us to a fundamental question.
        parable of the mighty demon, Sambara who  What actually is the ego? Are we born with the
        had produced from himself three projected  ego or does it appear at birth, consolidating
        formations or emanations in the form of  itself during the process of growth?
        three apparently invincible demons. These
        were robot-like zombies who had no ego  In the ascending scale of terrestrial evolution,
        and hence no psychological attributes. They  life-energy manifests in matter and within the
        did not know about victory or defeat and  matrix of animated matter, the mind-principle
        were only programmed to kill. The gods  manifests at an optimal point of development.
        were terrified and turned to Brahma, the  This amalgam of successively manifested
        Supreme Creator, for help.               planes of consciousness superimposed on
                                                 and intertwined with each other needs to be
        Brahma explained that these zombie-demons  coherently organised around a coordinating
        could not be defeated unless they developed  principle to have a sense of objective presence
        an ego-sense. However, as these beings were  in Space and a sense of dynamic mobility in
        totally ignorant, they could be manipulated  Time. The responses of the emergent being
        to develop the feelings of ‘I’ and ‘mine’. The  to the contacts of Nature are modulated by
        continued battle with the gods in which the  sensory perception, memory, intelligence
        demons went on winning finally generated  and will and all inputs and outputs gather
        in them the basic concept of ‘I am’.     an optimal and temporal consistency around
                                                 an ‘ego-sense’. As an infant grows up, the
        Once the ego-sense arose, desire developed  ego-sense gives a uniqueness that first makes
        with concomitant consequences — they  it aware of the boundaries of the body (the
        became slaves of desire. They lost their  infant at one stage pinches itself and others
        freedom and experienced fear. They could  to see the difference in its own sensations).
        now be easily defeated by the gods (1).  At the next stage it becomes aware of the
                                                 capacities of its power to be assertive about
        This parable shows how important the ego  its demands as well as about its own strength.
        is for psychological conditioning. Indeed, all  With further development and the gradual
        modern schools of psychology have to give  organisation of the cognitive faculty, the child

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