Page 6 - NAMAH-Oct-2019
P. 6
that the mind relaxes and enters into a complete peace first, your sleep will immediately
become very peaceful and very refreshing; naturally, your vital must not be in a turmoil,
for then, in that case, it will take you into all sorts of places and make you commit all kinds
of stupidities, and the result will be that you will wake up even more tired than when you
went to sleep.
But if you are conscious, after having calmed your vital, when you begin to come out from
your physical consciousness and enter a more subtle consciousness, you put your vital to
sleep, you say to it, “Rest now, keep very quiet”, and then you enter your mental activity and
say to the mind, “Rest now, remain very quiet”, and you put it to sleep also; and then you
come out of the mind into a higher region, and there, if it begins to interest you, for instance,
if it is the first time you have gone there, you may look at what is happening, have your
experience, learn things — at times one learns very interesting things; and then, sometimes
one can become aware of a certain general state also, have ideas about other people, other
things; it is interesting! And later, if you have had enough of this, you say, “Keep quiet,
sleep, don’t move”, and you put that to sleep, and rise to a still higher consciousness, and so
on, till you reach a state where you are on the borders of form, I am not speaking of physical
form — on the borders of all form, much higher than the form of thought, naturally; on the
borders of all form and all vibration, in the perfect silence, what here we call Sachchidananda.
And when you are there, everything stops, all vibrations subside, and if you remain there
just three minutes, you come back to your body absolutely rested, refreshed, fortified, as
though you had slept for hours! This is something one can learn to do. I don’t say it can
be done overnight, a little work is necessary and also some persistence, but still... this one
must learn to do; and when you are very anxious, very tired, very... for instance, when you
have just undergone violent attacks from hostile forces in one form or another and are very
tired, if you follow this process consciously, well, within a few minutes all that disappears
completely. It is something worth learning. Only, one must be very, very, very persevering,
for... Wait a bit, I am going to tell you something more about it.
When I began studying occultism, I became aware that — just when I began to work upon
my nights in order to make them conscious — I became aware that there was between
the subtle-physical and the most material vital a small region, very small, which was not
sufficiently developed to serve as a conscious link between the two activities. So what took
place in the consciousness of the most material vital did not get translated exactly in the
consciousness of the most subtle physical. Some of it got lost on the way because it was like
a — not positively a void but something only half-conscious, not sufficiently developed. I
knew there was only one way, that was to work to develop it. I began working. This happened
sometime about the month of February, I believe. One month, two months, three, four, no
result. We go on. Five months, six months... it was at the end of July or the beginning of
August. I left Paris, the house I was staying in, and went to the countryside, quite a small
place on the seashore, to stay with some friends who had a garden. Now, in that garden there
was a lawn — you know what a lawn is, don’t you? grass — where there were flowers and