Page 53 - NAMAH-Oct-2020
P. 53
Namah Insight
Installing this mastery is a prolonged process and move forward.
and if we are sincere we will find our faith
grow and grow. It requires a steady, Faith is not superficial. It is not a surface
aspiring saadhanaa and detailed inner work. phenomenon; it is something very deep
This turning to the yoga amounts to a rebirth inside which makes us whole. It is integral to
and we have to start laying down new the being and wants to rise to the surface and
building-blocks again. We are born again spread throughout the entire being. The faith
and the work becomes a simple joy. We are retrieved from the psychic needs to saturate
shifting hemispheres and surrendering all the entire nature and be impregnated into
government to the psychic being. For that the cells. “A mental resolution is not enough,
we have to “pass on to a higher degree in the no. There are subtle reactions in your body
evolutionary spiral, pass from the mental to which do not obey the mental resolution, it
the spiritual; then, naturally, faith takes on a is not enough. Something else is needed (3).”
quality of a very high order (2).” This shift
from the mental consciousness fortifies our If we want to build a perfect immunity,
faith and places it on a more secure footing. we must do this. If we are preparing for
transformation, there are no other options.
Put simply, when we align to the psychic we It is the next step in our evolution. Our
know; we no longer need to believe. There consciousness needs to alternate between
is an abiding simplicity in that. Belief is the vast and the miniature. The two states
always so open to questioning and doubt. join hands and merg : this is key to our
We cannot truly progress on shifting sands. saadhanaa of the body. We attune and refine
Circumstances will always offer us so many our body-consciousness through our Truth
counter-proofs and our previous belief inside. It is intricate and detailed work.
gets easily discarded. We need something We need always to remain open to the
more solid and we will find the necessary descending Force. Each descent is a step
immobility in faith. forward in our yoga of the cells. This
process needs to be made conscious by
The mundane life has become unbelievably aligning faith with our will. Again, the
stressful and complex; there are so many Will is not superficial but comes from a
forces that run against it. This seed needs sincere surrender to the Supreme. This
to be protected and nurtured from adverse self-identity is essential for dynamism
influences. It is not easy to hold onto this state inherent in the divine Will. With the Will,
in today’s world but it is essential. At no time a joyous faith can be instilled into each and
has it been more necessary. Everywhere we every cell. When this happens, this faith in
are surrounded by ignorance and scepticism. the body amounts to a complete certitude.
Humanity is being bombarded by illness
and viruses of all kinds. Faith provides References
the supreme immunity; it is the surest
foundation to good health. This fortress 1. The Mother. The Collected Works of the Mother,
only will ensure that humanity prospers Volume 14. 2 ed. Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo
on this planet. With faith we can endure Ashram Trust; 2003, p. 79.