Page 53 - NAMAH-Apr-2021
P. 53
Namah Think it over
elements (thoughts, emotions, bodily sen- the topic; we learn how to distinguish direct
sations, external influences) that may arise, or secondarily-related outcomes. Knowing
that try to jeopardise the process. We can either that some prayers “may take some time to
ignore or neutralise them, depending on our realise materially (2)”, we begin to view
trust in our power to overcome them. Often, the association of prayer/result within a
ignoring them is much more efficient than broader timeline. Sometimes, prayer may
fighting, as it maintains the silent mindset, instantaneously harvest a spontaneous result,
favourable to prayer. Now, one will eventually as if time does not exist. Sometimes we might
experience a very peculiar instant, in where all realise that the result had always been present
the parameters for the prayer become united though we were too blind to see it!
and synchronised: a comfortable position,
focus and aspiration, right thoughts, heartfelt Life eventually becomes a unique prayer,
commitment, sensation of emptiness or fullness, fulfilled with a unique outcome. From this
etc. We can freely dive into this moment, though perspective, we can capitalise on previous
short, for it may be much more authentic than a ‘little’ outcomes, which, when added to
longer period of stubborn prayer, characterised the mindfulness settled step-by-step in our
by an annoying back and forth of vigilance and practice, transforms our life into a never-
concentration. Prayer can be nurtured by itself. ending prayer. This nourishes our faith
One can set the intention for prayer to be more and practice. Assiduous practice makes
profound, honest and focused. Doing so, the us more accurate and self-confident and
effect may last long after the end of the prayer. helps bring meaning and perfection to
One can also start and finish the prayer with our prayers. By being more conscious,
the commitment to pray on a regular basis. we gradually implement an undying
connection with our Master. Life becomes
After prayer a constant surrender to Her. This is how
we can reach our psychic being through
After practice, one should not expect a direct prayer. Ultimately prayer becomes our life
outcome, though something surprising may and life becomes our prayer, “The whole
occur straight away. It is more useful to of our life should be a prayer offered to the
settle on a state of openness and sensitivity, Divine (3).”
allowing things to happen smoothly and
when the time is right. Positive developments References
in what we pray for can also happen without
direct resolution. Similarly, we can identify 1. The Mother. The Collected Works of the Mother,
outcomes of previous prayers far after the Volume 15. Cent. ed. Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo
prayer was made. Possessing the inextin- Ashram Trust; 1980, p. 222.
guishable faith that the outcome will happen,
if and whenever, will help to realise it, even 2. Ibid.
though it may not precisely match our
initial request. Sometimes, only details fit 3. Ibid., p. 221.
Denis Capdeville (Dan) is an NLP and hypnosis practitioner, working at Santé, Auroville, India.