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Namah Vol. 30, Issue 1, 24th April 2022
being on several days of the week. Fifty-two and members of the collective. The urgency
percent of the participants recorded consistent to evolve ourselves has never been stronger
beneficial effects throughout the study period. as the social fabric of our society has been
Our pilot study as oral paper titled, ‘The Effect challenged during the ongoing pandemic.
of Music on Healthcare Professionals Working What is the purpose of this pandemic? Given
in Covid-19 Isolation Wards — A Pilot Study’ the complex healthcare challenge and its
(Yajnik et al., 2020) was presented at the repercussions across all spheres of life,
5th Medicine Annual Conference Virtual 2020, can we re-define what health and healthy
Department of Medicine, Christian Medical College, living means to us? How can we broaden
Vellore, India, November 2020. the scope of health and healthcare? How can
we heal ourselves? Is this period a crisis or
Subsequently, 280 Covid Warriors have a divine-induced opportunity to re-purpose
received our 3-hour online programme. our life and evolve ourselves? Perhaps the
solutions to these complex questions lie
In June 2021, Project Susthiti received the Seva within ourselves? Integral Yoga offers us
Award 2021 from the International Association an inspiring fountainhead of philosophy
of Yoga Therapists (IAYT) at SYTAR 2021 and practice for us to take an active part in
(Symposium on Yoga Therapy & Research). our own evolution. It is up to us to create
At SYTAR, we also released a therapeutic conditions for the Divine Grace to descend
composition dedicated to all the Covid health- upon us.
care workers of the world.
Our collective experience with Project Susthiti
tells us that we need to re-think how our
mainstream healthcare could evolve as a space
for healing. Caregivers are human beings just
like the rest of us and they also need healing
to raise their well-being and wellness so that
they can raise their caregiving and healing
capacities. Healing is likely to happen when
we can reject fear with a smile, calm the mind
and vital, and help the body consciousness
‘Playing with Sunlight – Re-imagining our world to grow at a new level of equilibrium, a new
beyond Covid’, a therapeutic music composition rhythm.
by Arnab (author), premiered at SYTAR 2021,
Symposium on Yoga Therapy & Research organised References
by International Association for Yoga Therapists, USA: 1. Covid Warriors [Online] Available from:
Deeper questions ahead [Accessed 19 January 2022].
We were and still are experiencing and living 2. World Health Organization. Strengthening
in an era of crisis, at all levels, as individuals mental health promotion. Geneva: World