Page 17 - NAMAH-Jul-2022
P. 17
Namah Substance of our Body Heals
body or the subtle bodies of Masters who from our heartbeat and pulsations. We
are continuing their work of transformation learn to be with these vibrations and learn
in realms that are invisible to us. For to differentiate them from our sensations
example, when we are reading a book we and other energetic flows in our body.
can travel in time to that space/environment They almost often feel like mild tremors
and unconsciously our body can have an in a dense or fluid mass of earth. And then
experience of that fear or pleasure and all this slowly being with and following the trace
can be engrained into the cells of our body. of vibrations, we go into the depth of our
When we are with a person, their feelings, body and perhaps we even enter a different
emotions and sexual energies can enter our realm. Is this the subtle matter, we ask? As
body and reside in our material body. It then we go deeper we could sense silence and
acts within us as it gets integrated as part of peace and as we go further the depth of
our energetic flows and vibrations within substance seems to have a light, a radiance
our physical system. and a joy. We know we are entering a realm
that many Masters have been preparing the
way for. They live there, work there and
transform the collective body consciousness
and matter there. We fortunately sometimes
stumble in there. We are in the presence of
our next way of living and being with our
body. We are in the presence of the precious
substance of our body.
But often we are pulled out of contact with
Substance of our body the depth of our substance. Our life and work
keep calling us. Our body cells point outward
We take the cells as the tiniest parts of our once again, absorbing and entangling. We
body that we are aware of. In the beginning, slowly lose our depth — the basis of our body.
we find it difficult to go within our body.
Then it slowly opens itself to allow our Outward-facing poise of the body
awareness to go within. We start seeing
within. We see inner organs or parts in a Let’s understand this deeper. We can say
certain colour or smell it or hear a sound there are four poises that our body’s cells can
or feel it too. Through our inner senses have. First, one is the outward-facing poise of
we explore our body. We start with our the body cells where they interchange with
skin and dive deeper. We read repeatedly the world — absorbing and transmitting.
from the Mother’s work that She was in Both on the surface of our body, skin, bone,
touch with the vibrations of her cells. So nerve endings, etc. and in the intermediate
somewhere in our journey within our region within the body, which carry within
bodies we notice a constant vibration, them imprints of our psychological nature,
something like the cricket sound we hear emotional states or feelings we go through,
at night and we notice that it is different our cells normally point outward. As far as