Page 28 - NAMAH-Oct-2023
P. 28

Namah                                  Vol. 31, Issue 3, 15th October 2023

        choose local over transported food. When one  with the natural world.
        sees one’s neighbourhood looking beautiful,
        one feels happy. At the same time people
        who become conscious of the food cycle, take
        to eco-stewardship and demand systemic
        reform. Eco-therapists are increasing
        in number and conventional therapists are
        bringing in nature into their therapy room or
        sometimes doing the therapy in a natural spot.

        Cultivating an eco-friendly consciousness

        The love for plants does not stop there. It
        becomes a love for all creatures, especially
        those that are victims of human exploitation.
        One becomes a spokesperson for habitat
        preservation, saving the whales and elephants
        from poaching, saving the earth from  The Mother could sense the special vibration
        carbon emission and fracking. It does not  of every flower. She gave each a spiritual
        stop there either. One feels like re-learning  name, such as dahlias were Nobility, the
        the culture of elders whose knowledge could  pomegranate flower, Divine Love, the yellow
        have saved the earth from its present state of  chrysanthemum was Life Energy, and jasmine,
        environmental depredation.               Purity, and so on for hundreds of flowers,
                                                 including the flowers of vegetables. When
        One goes to stay in eco-villages, such as  an unnamed flower was brought to her, she
        Sadhana Forest in Auroville, India. Every  could feel the vibration of the flower and
        year, hundreds of students from all over the  sense its essence (9). When she went to the
        world live for a few weeks in this permaculture-  garden, vegetables that were ripe cried out,
        driven community and learn techniques of  “Me! Me! Me!” and all she had to do was
        water efficient irrigation, clean energy, and  pick them (10).
        other sustainable methodologies. They bring
        back their knowledge to their communities  The school she established in the Ashram
        and green their turf. Sadhana Forest is  is well-tuned to nature. Once a week, the
        in Auroville, which is an international  children attend a class in an estate some 20
        community experimenting on human unity.  miles from the city. Here they get to work
        The founder of Auroville is a spiritual figure  in the gardens and learn botany. During the
        called the Mother. She was born in France as  harvest season, they help with the harvesting.
        Mirra Alfassa, and spent the last fifty years  They are taught about cows and hens by
        of her life in the Sri Aurobindo Ashram in  looking at these animals in the farm. There is
        Pondicherry, where she was the ‘Managing  an aquarium maintained by the students who
        Director’ and Spiritual Guide. She was a  are diving enthusiasts. A group of dogs loll
        trained occultist and could communicate  around the school, and play with the students

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