Page 34 - NAMAH-Oct-2023
P. 34

Namah                                  Vol. 31, Issue 3, 15th October 2023

        reject, new-create, reveal out of itself a greater   the Supermind, “… a luminous self-determining
        self-formulation (13).”                  knowledge, will and action… (16)”, coeval with
                                                 perfect delight  so as  to be ”…always aware
        ”This power of the soul over its nature is of   of the Divine and free from Ignorance and its
        the utmost importance in the Yoga of self-  consequences (17).”
        perfection; if it did not exist, we could never
        get by conscious endeavour and aspiration out  Thus, a poise in any of the three aspects of
        of the fixed groove of our present imperfect  Sachchidananda can reflect oneness, though
        human being; if any greater perfection were  one or other aspect predominates but with
        intended, we should have to wait for Nature  the manifestation of the Supermind, the
        to effect it in her own slow or swift process  Sachchidananda experience becomes not only
        of evolution. In the lower forms of being the  unitary but simultaneously integral.  A poise
        soul accepts this complete subjection to Nature,  in the higher Nature, that has transcended the
        but as it rises higher in the scale, it awakes to a  ego and even experienced the Sachchidananda,
        sense of something in itself which can command  cannot fully conquer the forces of Ignorance
        Nature; but it is only when it arrives at self-  and Inconscience unless the powers of the
        knowledge that this free will and control becomes  Supermind are manifested. The Supermind
        a complete reality (14).”                itself has higher and lower ranges; in its
                                                 higher gnosis, ”… unity is the basis, but
                                                 it takes its joy in diversity; in lower fact of
                                                 supermind diversity is the basis, but it refers
                                                 back always to a conscious unity and it takes
                                                 joy in unity (18).” Sri Aurobindo reminded,
                                                 “These ranges of consciousness are beyond
                                                 our present level; they are superconscious
                                                 to our normal mentality. That belongs to a
                                                 lower hemisphere of being (19).”
        Indian spirituality has always  considered
        that when the soul-status shifts to  the higher  The Truth of the unitary Sachchidananda,
        Nature, it can be poised in different ways in  at the Higher Nature where Existence,
        which Sachchidananda manifests, viz. in the  Consciousness-Force and Bliss form an
        principle of infinite unity of self-existence; in  indivisible trio, gets projected in the divisive
        the principle of infinite conscious energy or in  principles of mind, life-energy and matter
        the principle of infinite self-existent delight.  at the lower Nature. This cleavage between
        “In these three poises the consciousness of unity  the Higher Nature and lower Nature and
        dominates; the soul lives in its awareness of  this divisibility between the principles of
        eternity, universality, unity, and whatever  mind, life-energy and matter in the lower
        diversity there is, is not separative, but only  Nature is necessary so that each individual
        a multitudinous aspect of oneness (15).“ Sri  principle develops its maximum potential at
        Aurobindo has enlarged further the scope of  the expense of others, ensuring the variety
        the higher ranges of Nature to the poise where  and richness of creation. However, it should
        Sachchidananda manifests the creative power of  be remembered that each principle has the

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