Page 56 - NAMAH-Apr-2024
P. 56
Jump with Faith
Imran Ali Namazi
The author likens us all to swimmers in this vast ocean of spirituality. However religious
differences often stop us from taking the plunge. The author implores us to make that leap of faith.
In no other area do we clash as furiously as standing on the platform, fearful of letting
on the subject of religion. Peace is professed, go, of embracing the water, could be your
but instead we have a battlefield. Each brother, son or mother. Be gentle with him
religion differs and many are convinced or her. In the waters of religious pluralism,
that only theirs is right and are hence closed- it's not about who is right, but who can put
minded. Fortunately, some of us are more aside their own convictions and embrace
open to new ideas than others. the one who differs vastly from them in
their own beliefs. Welcome him, make him
We're on the platform learning to dive, afraid feel at home and, let go his trepidations and
someone will find fault with our beliefs and, make that leap!
we'll be left grasping at nothing. Some of
us have already let go of our fears and Join us down here, where we face the
accomplished the feat of diving. future together. It's scary and cold on that
platform. Close your eyes, push away the
I'm afraid I can't swim, choking with a fears and jump.
myriad of emotions. I lash out at someone
down in the water below but of the two of
us, who needs the support and nurturing
more? Me, the guy who hasn't yet made
the leap of faith.
I implore you, swimmers in this ocean
of spirituality: that timid, frightened boy
Imran Ali Namazi writes at and works as a programmer in Chennai.