Page 45 - NAMAH January 2016
P. 45

Notes on counselling

The power of money
Dr. Soumitra Basu

Both the materialistic idea of possession of money and its ascetic rejection do not do justice to the
spiritual value of wealth. Logically wealth belongs to humanity, metaphysically to the Divine. Money
has to be won back from the clutches of falsehood for service to the Truth. An appreciation of the true
value of money is needed in education and counselling.

One of the things that can anguish any         about the source of funds from a youngster
counsellor is the way in which one             misusing money on drugs or on other
outrageously handles money. The manner         extravagantly disproportionate pursuits that
in which one demonstrates possessiveness       impoverish the family coffers, is ‘It’s my
with money is simply ludicrous. It is similar  money. I earned it’; or, ‘It’s my family fund.
to a weird passenger on a flight who behaves   I have a right to spend’. Very often I have to
as if the seat allotted to him is a personal   remind that the money earned belongs to
property and pounces on an innocent fellow-    the general population who contributed
passenger who mistakenly encroaches.           either as tax-payers or consumers. Hence it
Obviously, this passenger is momentarily       is right for any citizen to enquire about the
oblivious of the fact that after the flight    misuse of money by anyone. Even the
reaches its destination, the seat is to be     vagabond at the street corner pays taxes
occupied by another passenger. It is the       when purchasing a pack of cigarettes and
same story with money. Money is not an         therefore has a right to have explanations
individual possession. Like political power,   for misuse of money. Why not?
it is with one subject today and can be with
another subject tomorrow. Perhaps one of       This recurring experience with possessive-
the most eulogised yet foolish things in life  ness over money makes me wonder why we
is the sense of possession of money.           aren’t taught in school about the real, albeit
                                               divine worth of money. The Mother lucidly
A frequent answer at my clinic when I enquire  explains:

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