Page 40 - NAMAH January 2016
P. 40

Namah                                             Vol. 23, Issue 4, 15th January 2016

surrounded by dirty and hungry people             places were barred. Sneezing, eating and
when eating.                                      sleeping in public were also contra-indicated
                                                  in the Eyurveda classics (4).
Ethics towards women
                                                  Sexual activities and ethics
In the Eyurveda classics, various aspects in
the lives of women have been categorically        Eyurveda laid clinical emphasis on sexual
projected and values at each and every stage      activities. Eyurveda maintains that sexual
have also been depicted. Social behaviour         activities are for the attainment of healthy
towards women is especially covered.              progeny and not for pleasure. This view-
Women were treated with respect in ancient        point includes regulations regarding the
times. However, it was advised that one           assessment of physical and mental status,
should not be excessively dependent on            strength of partners, disease-status, social
women and should not discuss official             status and relationship, proper and adequate
secrets with them (3).                            preparations, forbidden times, seasonal
                                                  adjustments, etc. However, most angles in
Ethics for the prevention of diseases             this regard have been studied, evaluated and
                                                  documented in the purview of individual
Prevention is given more importance than          and social health.
therapeutics in Eyurveda. Various ethical
standpoints have been set for this line of        Psychology plays a major role in sexual
medicine. This includes proper eating, rules      relations: hence the partner should be loved,
regarding adequate body posture, non-             good-looking, prepared for sexual relations
suppression of natural urges, proper methods      and possess pleasant manners. To avoid
for the disposal of physiological excretory       sexually transmitted diseases and to maintain
products like sputum, faeces, urine, etc. The     a social dignity and tranquillity, several
suppression of natural urges was strongly         criteria have been mentioned. Vaginal
rejected and seen as a causative factor for       intercourse with one’s own wife is advised.
many diseases. Environmental hygiene              Menstruating women, ill women (especially
played a crucial role in the preservation of      those suffering from infectious diseases) and
community health. On the other hand, it           impure women were considered inapprop-
was understood that poor environmental            riate for sexual relations. One should indulge
hygiene led to various diseases which are         in sexual contact only after taking ssukra-
mainly transmitted through water, food,           enhancing substances like milk, with full
air, soil, etc. Field defecation was in practice  desire and after a proper erection in a private
in ancient times, but various criteria to         place. One should not indulge in such acts
choose the place and procedures to avoid          on an empty stomach or after intake of a
contamination of water, soil, etc, were           heavy meal, when exhausted, while
documented in Eyurveda. Defecation,               suppressing natural urges, in a public
micturition and spitting against the wind,        place or under a holy tree, in house of a
in front of fire, water, sun, moon, braahmanna,   braahmanna or of a teacher or in a place of
teacher, on the roadside and in other public      worship. Regarding the timing, mornings,

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