Page 10 - NAMAH-Oct-2016
P. 10
Principles of plant taxonomy
A fresh insight into the ancient Indian methodology and philosophy of naming and
classifying medicinal plants
Dr. Sampadananda Mishra
Proper nomenclature and classification play important roles in the systematisation of any branch of
knowledge. In this regard, the ancient Indian rrssis and aacaaryas had shown much transparency in their
scientific observations. For them to name was to touch the essence of the thing or object named. They
could really enter into the soul or the consciousness of the thing or the object and then give the name
according to their experience. We find a clear reflection of this in the names of the plants as they appear
in various texts of Eyurveda. From the various names given to one plant, one can truly understand
not only the various morphological characteristics of that plant but also the special medicinal properties
that the plant has. This paper brings a fresh insight into this aspect and throws light on the ancient
Indian methodology and philosophy of naming and classifying medicinal plants.
Introduction an indication not only of the geography of
India but also highlights the fact that our
Sir William Jones, Founder-President of the ancestors had a keen sense of observation.
Asiatic Society of Bengal once wrote, “I am very In the texts dealing with the names of plants,
solicitous to give Indian plants their true Indian we find that a plant is referred to by many
appellations, because I am fully persuaded that names. A proper analysis of all the names
Linnaeus himself would have adopted them of a particular plant reveals that each name
had he known the learned and ancient language describes a particular feature (svarūpa) or
of this country… (1)” a specific quality/property (gunna) of that
plant. So, all names can be of two types:
This suggestion needs serious attention, svarūpa-vodhaka-nāma and gunan -vodhaka-nāma.
especially from Indian botanists. The ancient However, the names of the plants are coined
Indian naming of plants, as found in the on the basis of varied criteria. Before I deal
various texts dealing with the subject, is an with the details of these criteria, let me give
extremely interesting topic which gives us you an idea about the various classifications