Page 46 - NAMAH-Jan-2017
P. 46

Namah                                         Vol. 24, Issue 4, 15th January 2017

Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t       to express themselves, and great vigilance
and sometimes we come to a point where it all     is required to refuse them this opportunity
crumbles to pieces. That’s when we see what       (3). If our negative qualities and emotions
we’re really carrying with us. It either breaks   are stronger than we are, they’ll dominate
us down or we take the time to evaluate: what     us, but if we become stronger than they
are the foundations I’m standing on? How          are, we master them. Gaining this mastery
do I know myself? What is the relationship I      can be a long and slow path. We must look
have with myself? Do I take care of myself?       at what we are carrying with us through
Do I listen to myself? Do I respect myself?       meditative awareness and learn to see
Do I take time to get to know and to listen to    ourselves the way we are without judgment.
my soul? And, of course, the microcosm, our       Then, with sincerity and determined self-
relationship to ourselves, sets the stage for     effort, we withdraw our energy from the
the macrocosm, our relationship to others,        negative qualities and invest our energy in
society and nature.                               counterbalancing positive qualities. It is not
                                                  simply a question of eliminating the negative,
The importance of self-knowledge is found         but of simultaneously building the positive.
in every major spiritual tradition and in the     When we build strength and are in a positive
more holistic approaches to psychology            state, we have more strength for resisting our
as well. Ram Dass believes that for those         negative qualities and eventually mastering
pursuing spiritual growth, psychological          them. This requires strong will, vigilance and
growth is as important as spiritual discipline    work. It is easier not to face that challenge,
(1). Rowan agrees:                                but then our life is reduced to compromise
                                                  and mediocrity. Inner growth is not easy; it
“It turns out that personal growth work is        is the greatest and hardest of undertakings,
not an optional extra, it is an essential step    but also the most noble and enriching.
on the spiritual path. In the past, people often
embarked on the spiritual path without having     Our exploration is not limited to our
done this work, and promptly fell prey to         psychological self. It spans what I call the
demons, devils, elementals and so forth — most    psycho-spiritual spectrum. We come face
of which were projections of their own shadow,    to face with our psychological wounds and
their own nastiness (2).”                         limiting beliefs on one end of the spectrum.
                                                  On the other, we may encounter higher
Addressing problems in thinking patterns,         states, psychic powers and other subtle
strengthening the will and increasing vigilance   phenomenon. Dürckheim suggests that,
complements deep inner spiritual and body-        “People who have already gone as far as reason
mind work. Uplifting our consciousness            will take them are the likeliest, in our day, to
and addressing our shadow places us in the        see and recognize Being which reason cannot
best position possible to provide wholesome       grasp, and to register the qualities in which it
insights for our clients.                         first speaks to us (4).” This is not necessarily
                                                  a linear progression; it unfolds, as it will.
Sri Aurobindo explains that our negative
qualities are always looking for an opportunity   The aspiration to heal and become whole

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