Page 20 - NAMAH-Apr-2016
P. 20

Namah                                    Vol. 25, Issue 1, 24th April 2017

        and so little compassion, for my struggling  Feeding the fire of fear
        self?’ Frightening, unnerving thoughts to
        ponder. No wonder we try to stuff them  Fear is one of our basic touchstones, and one
        down, smother them with our daily thousand  that is stoked vigorously by technology. The
        tasks, but...                            bar for what constitutes “basic necessities”
                                                 is constantly inched up via media and social
        Turning away                             media insinuations and mandates that target
                                                 our psycho-social-emotional vulnerabilities.
        Why? Why do we feel so compelled to fill the  The subtext of most advertising (and a
        space with white noise rather than turn to face  good majority of social-media site posts
        the technicolour spectacle of our existence?  — essentially the same thing) is: ‘This
        When we know that continuing to turn away  manufactured image of perfection is what
        does nothing to relieve our bewilderment  you should aspire to, even though everyone
        and pain? Why do we feign ignorance when  knows you’re not worthy and never will be.’
        if we’re quiet and honest for even a moment,
        we can see, feel, know, or at least have an  In the current milieu, where most of us
        inkling of what we truly want and who we  have been conditioned to think in terms
        truly are? Why do we choose to forget?   of lack, this zeroes in on our deepest fears
                                                 like a guided missile: ‘I’m not good enough.
        Filling the space                        There’s something wrong with me. People
                                                 will think I’m stupid. They’ll laugh. I’ll be
        We fill the space, in part, because life goes too  rejected by my friends, my peers, my family.
        fast, and we just instinctively and doggedly  I’ll be alone. I’ll die.’ It’s mystifying that after
        try to keep up, panting and sweating all  so many decades of being manipulated by
        the while. We fill the space by fulfilling our  media, we’re well aware of how it works, yet
        responsibilities to others, which inevitably  it still succeeds. Time and again we fall for
        takes priority over our responsibilities to  the same insane subliminal messages stoking
        ourselves, pushing us further still from our  our fears and self-doubt. This relentless
        internal world. We fill the space because of  fever, combined with the constant sensory
        abundance, privilege, and luxury (relative, of  assault of every day, generates and sustains
        course), which insidiously provide us with  a collective societal energy characterised by
        more consumer options with which to fill the  post-traumatic stress, paranoia and chronic
        space. We fill the space because our planet  fatigue.
        is jam-packed with human beings and the
        kinetic energy onslaught alone keeps us in  Breaking the cycle
        autonomic system overdrive. The physical
        and mental cacophony by which we’re  How then, can we break the cycle, become
        unrelentingly besieged makes it challenging  the radical advocates for our wearied and
        to even think straight, let alone be devoted  disenfranchised souls? How do we find our
        to honouring our true nature. Last and most  way back to remembrance of the beautiful,
        sadly, perhaps we fill the space to block out  talented, loving, worthy human beings that
        fear.                                    we are? How can we replace competing with

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