Page 17 - NAMAH-Apr-2016
P. 17
Namah Change and transformation
largely a creation of nature and a product of just see what is there. There should be no
environment and conditioning. The personality sense of judgment. There is a descending
may give a clue, but sometimes one must Force which runs through the length of
work through many layers to discover the the body and beyond, which I regard as
truth that lies inside. an indicator of my inner well-being. It is a
force for progress and a receptive vehicle is a
We have to know ourselves and get behind sure sign of health. If I see or feel a disrupted
the façade and surrender to our true nature. flow, it signals a resistance in my nature that
Somehow there has to be a way of stripping needs to be addressed. This disturbance may
the dross away from the truth inside. We show itself as a dullness or pain: it is a knot
have to become almost transparent. But what that needs to be unravelled. I do nothing but
does this process actually entail? For me, watch and enquire. Holding the gaze, I allow
essentially, it is one of observation. The work the force of the consciousness to do its work.
of observation has dynamic consequences but I need to be timeless in my approach as so
for it to be effective, it must be disinterested. much lies burrowed within the folds of my
It requires a contact with something way nature. If the connection inside is maintained,
beyond ego. Essentially it is poise, something a knowledge will come which captures the
that never really stops and so comprises truth behind the affliction that comes to
different depths of enquiry. The deeper I go the surface. I may want to articulate it out
the more enduring will be the result. The loud. There is a profound resonance in every
final gauge that arrives is always a sense of affirmation and once the truth intervenes, the
illimitable peace and a conviction that I have result is conclusive and harmony is restored.
touched something very true.
Through the unknown
The arena is always the body. The body is
a most perfect channel for everything that It is by these little victories that true change
happens inside. Each part of our nature has its is achieved. Each one symbolises a tiny
own location in the body. I find that when the transformation. I find that this simple
body is well it is a sure sign that equilibrium procedure helps align the nature around
reigns there too. I look upon this work as the my ‘true person’, the psychic being. These
ultimate sacrifice of the body because every building-blocks to progress need to be
conceivable distortion will surface there. It reinforced time and again. The human being
has to put up with so much! The alchemy is a complex entity made of many parts. He
of transformation can take place only with is not a homogenous whole and only the
the collaboration of the body and because of psychic being has the capacity to integralise
this sacrifice it will eventually experience the his nature. There are always different parts
supreme consummation of the transformation of my nature that need to be addressed with
itself. each sitting. Each time a different angle of
approach will be adopted to address the
The work obstruction ahead and the total anomaly may
not be rectified in a single go. The entire stain
So I look at the body from top to bottom and will rarely reveal itself.