Page 26 - NAMAH-Apr-2016
P. 26
Namah Vol. 25, Issue 1, 24th April 2017
has never done proper physical exercises or to any intervention. A point may be raised
has forcefully suppressed emotions for carrying about how was the inertia of the physical
on intellectual pursuits can have depression overcome when the life-principle or vitality
with marked physical expressions. Likewise, animated matter. This was possible because
a primarily aesthetic individual who has not of the momentum geared up by evolutionary
harmonised ethics with aesthetics and who has forces. That momentum cannot be re-created
neglected the body or overburdened it with by ordinary human will unless one has
dependence-producing substances, in the hope cultivated the body consciousness to an
of enhancing creativity, can have depression optimal point where it can act in accordance
with serious physical manifestations. with what has been willed. This is why
mere counselling techniques cannot usually
An individual who has exceptionally delved break the impasse created by physical inertia
in the realms of ideas can have a greater unless the body consciousness is developed;
disturbance in synthesising knowledge and an intervention of medicines acting on the
will when depressed. An individual who physical plane is often needed.
is basically prone to mood-swings and
displays strong vital uprushes can display While the physical plane needs intervention
both depressive and manic symptoms at to disrupt the inertia, the vital plane needs
different points in time. An individual intervention to deal with its fluctuations.
who has developed his inner being and has Wherever the turbulence of the vital plane
practised living behind the surface may have is too marked, mood stabilisers get an upper
more existential suffering, more anguish for hand. The need of mood stabilisers has been
failing to live up to the truth of one’s being known since antiquity. Lithium, which is used
when depressed. This type of depression is as a mood stabiliser, was always present in
common in spiritual aspirants. certain spring waters drunk by people for
health benefits before its mood stabilising action
In unfortunate instances, depression can was discovered. The vital turbulence can also
culminate in suicide. There is a common notion be dealt with if one has cultivated the art of
that it might need great mental determination to being in contact with the Praannic SSakti which is
commit suicide. Quite the opposite. When the the operative energy at the level of the inner
will-power breaks down completely, becomes being behind the surface personality.
pulverised and shattered, the vital succumbs
to the machinations of disruptive cosmic forces The counsellor has a better chance of successful
and commits itself to some dastardly fate. therapeutic intervention when the subject
dwells more in the realm of ideas. The idea, by
Therapeutic interventions itself, is not as resistant as the physical inertia
or as turbulent as the vital fluctuations and is
Undoubtedly, anti-depressants are needed thus receptive to other ideational influences.
to break the physical inertia wherever the For those who are in the habit of cognising
physical plane is too involved in the expression depression, psychotherapies like Cognitive
of depression. This is because inertia arises from Behavioural Therapy and Mindfulness
the Inconscience and poses great resistance Meditation are very helpful.