Page 30 - NAMAH-Apr-2016
P. 30
Namah Vol. 25, Issue 1, 24th April 2017
breathing and louder terrified crying. After The EFT tapping technique is great for him
5 minutes of this and some more attempts to and he feels more empowered.
talk with him and calm him and find some
resolution for him to sleep alone, I gave up I don’t have any additional insight. In general
and let him sleep in our bed with his mother Andrew is prone to emotional over-reaction,
and I slept in his bed. is very sensitive and has low emotional
resilience. He is easily offended and quick
I don’t know if there are other fear issues to anger and we work a lot on those things.
he is projecting onto the zombies; would be
good to explore. 11.10.16 Analyst’s notes, session #2:
19.09.16 Analyst’s notes, session #1: His father more recently reported there had
been some initial progress. Andrew had even
Andrew recounts that a few months back he taped the EFT instructions by his bed wall,
was “waiting to watch Mine Craft (computer but with time he has regressed back to waking
game) when an ad for zombies popped up up and wanting to sleep in his parents’ room.
on his iPad and it was awfully scary. These During our session, Andrew downplayed
creatures are all full of blood and they can the regression and said he was doing much
eat your brain and turn you into one of better. He reports that he listens to music
them. They can take over the planet and or tries not to think about them. The fear is
turn everyone into one of them. You have that there are zombies circulating the house
to survive.” (Note to self: Deep underlying but they can’t get in because the doors are
fears may be connected to survival, either locked. I asked him to imagine the details
personally, ancestrally or at the level of the and share them with me while I conducted
collective unconscious?) an EFT exercise that consisted of tapping on
designated acupuncture points that could
Andrew had a hard time initially articulating help him relax as he continued recounting
what he was experiencing, but with some the details to the questions I asked. I had him
help he was able to do so. He was rigid and repeat the reframe: “Although I Andrew,
anxious. We did several rounds of relaxation have fear of these zombies circulating my
techniques, which included the use of house and I know it is my imagination, I still
essential oils, EFT, touch and deep breathing. have some fear even though I know I am safe
He immediately felt better and looked much and protected and know I am a good kid.”
more alive. I gave him written instructions I asked him to continue doing the exercise
on how he could do the EFT exercise on his on his own.
own before going to sleep.
19.10.16 Progress update received from
20.09.16 Progress update received from Andrew’s father via email after Session #2:
Andrew’s father via e-mail after session
#1: I think we have seen some improvement
with Andrew. He has come into our bed
Thank you so much for seeing Andrew today! four nights this week, and he tried to come