Page 30 - NAMAH-Jul-2017
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Namah Vol. 25, Issue 2, 15th July 2017
5. Overall health % (OH) 10. Age-related (ARD): QRT-test, ask: ‘Is
a. % severity may vary. this disorder age-related’? If ‘Yes’, scan the
b. May be asymptomatic, based on QRT- vial-kits for relevant vial(s); apply modified
testing — e.g., without discomfort or pain, NAET. PDM re-test for clearance.
but abnormal in terms of body function, or
external appearance (e.g., skin swelling, fast 11. Deficiency (DEFN): QRT-test: ‘Is there a current
pulse, etc.). nutritional or other related deficiency?’ If
‘Yes’, test for specific deficiency; apply Step 8.
6. Symptoms (SYMP)
The location, duration, QRT % severity, and 12. Psychological Disorder (PSD): QRT-test:
diagnosis (medical & bio-energetic) would ‘Is this disorder basically psychological?’
be specified. If serious, prompt MEDT is If ‘Yes’, PDM-test with appropriate vial(s);
required. Symptom aspects include: apply modified NAET, per step 8.
a. Consistent or recurring pain or discomfort 13. Additional underlying criteria (AUC): QRT-
— felt overall, or at certain areas(s) of body; ask: ‘Is AUC needed?’ If ‘Yes’, identify the
b. Pervading the body’s cellular system; relevant body system(s) and its component(s);
c. Underlying causal factor(s) to be detected or, scan vial kits for pertinent reactive vial(s);
with standard medical testing, and with apply step 8.
pertinent vials.
Appendix 4: sub-criteria
7. Pathogens (PATH)
For detection-reactivity (to specific bacteria, 1. Environmental Factors (EFS) that improve
virus, or fungus), PDM-test the pertinent physical, social, spiritual environment. QRT:
vials. Treatment: apply the modified NAET ‘Is EFS needed?’ If ‘Yes’, ask the Divine
procedure (Appendix 5). Mother to enable the change. Thereafter,
QRT re-test; if still ‘Yes’, repeat procedure
8. Allergens/bio-incompatible substances at another session.
Scan and PDM-test NAET kits to identify
vial(s) showing detectable reactivity. Using 2. Lifestyle (LIFS) that involve increasing
the identified reactive vial(s), apply the daily exercise, limiting stress, giving positive
modified NAET procedure. PDM re-test to meaning to each activity. QRT: ‘Is LIFS needed?’
verify clearance. If no clearance, apply the If ‘Yes’, apply 1.
complete NAET procedure as carried out by
qualified/licensed practitioner. 3. Character Improvement (CHIT) involving
ethical, humanistic or peaceful enhancement.
9. Genetic disorder (GED) QRT ask: ‘Does client (name) need CHIT?’ If
QRT-test, ask: ‘Is this a genetic disorder?’ ‘Yes’, on scale of -2 to +3, find the pertinent
If ‘Yes’, apply sequential, modified NAET flower essence vial/other vials. This may be
with RNA, DNA vials — include pertinent relevant for political/military leaders, on a
disorder vial(s). PDM re-test for clearance. global level. To be examined in future studies.