Page 34 - NAMAH-Jul-2017
P. 34

Transmuting the emotions

        James Anderson

        Working on our emotions is essential for growth and well-being. The author shares his experiences,
        identifying a few difficulties that come from this part of the nature. We need to be very awake to
        immediately defuse any emotional negativity. Whatever the hindrance however, our nature is capable of
        change and the solution resides always in our Truth inside.

        The context                              path. Somehow our whole nature needs to
                                                 respond and elevate to a higher vibration
        Ultimately our well-being depends upon  and, not surprisingly, our emotions play an
        growth. This urge we can ill afford to resist.  intrinsic part in this process.
        We cannot remain static; if we attempt to
        stand still we are bound to go backwards.  The reality is, if we take the time to notice, we
        Moreover the spiritual dimension cannot be  find that our emotional nature either helps or
        neglected because the spirit is the only thing  hinders our equilibrium and health. Properly
        that can truly resolve mankind’s inner and  channelled, our emotions can elevate the rest
        outer malaise. It is the secret force behind all  of the being to new heights, but if distorted
        growth. Somehow humanity has to expand  and downgraded they can lead us to the direst
        beyond nature’s impositions to reach a  depths of depression, disorder or revolt.
        pinnacle of true Integral Health. It cannot do
        this unaided. It needs to look up to a much  Let’s look at the heart for instance. It has
        higher determinism than its confused and  “wings (1)” and no part of our nature delivers
        frail mentality; it requires a secret Hand.  greater happiness. But it is not correct to say
        When we lean more and more on the spirit,  that the heart is always right. Its promptings
        we realise increasingly that the inside governs  should certainly be heeded but it should be
        the outside and our health will start to be  remembered that it is still a part of a fallible
        viewed more as an integer and a totality.  nature. The heart can be ensnared easily by
        This conviction provides a secure basis for  the turgidities and passions of the lower vital.
        the work. So progress becomes the only way  It is impressionable and can be seized by very
        and humanity has to follow the evolutionary  contrary influences. Really though, there can

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