Page 47 - NAMAH-Oct-2017
P. 47

Namah                                                     Reflections

        Force itself: the pranna circulating in the body.  patience and about humility, as my raison
        I can share that this consciousness is independent  d’être used to be the non-profit organisation I
        of the mental, the vital and even from the  had created, all the structure which had fallen
        body itself. The more we penetrate those  apart with the accident. Then came gratitude,
        planes of consciousness, the more we become  gratitude to witness how the body and mind
        aware of the Life-Force at work. It seems that  could regenerate, how I was being helped by
        it is a vibratory modality that oscillates from  so many people: then perseverance, courage,
        one state to another, discovering new layers in  progress.  In the back of my mind was the will
        the infinite consciousness. The most difficult  to infuse this experience to people, but how?
        part is to be able to drive and manipulate its
        mass density, as it is energy expanding to  So five years ago, Yoga Nidra came to me!
        Infiniteness and to Oneness. I was oscillating  Since then , in my attempt to remain a simple
        from one world to another, as if my body was  vehicle, I have been using this fabulous
        like a house where the central electrical system  Tool of the Mother  and implementing the
        had blown up and where an unknown little  ‘Twelve Qualities’ into Yoga Nidra during
        candle had started up on its own. What was this  sessions at the Unity Pavilion in Auroville
        Life-Force that is capable of switching different  and at SAICE (Sri Aurobindo International
        vibrational frequencies with complete authority  Centre of Education). During those sessions,
        over our life-survival process?          like a miracle, I feel collective Peacefulness
                                                 expanding into Oneness. “Always there is the
        At the hospital, an MRI showed that I had  need to love, to know and to fight!”
        experienced a cerebral oedema (water in the
        brain).  It took me a few years to completely  References
        recover, and to learn what I had to learn. The
        first thing I learnt was to accept the invisible   1. The Mother. Mother’s Agenda, Volume 1 (English
        handicap I had (for almost a year I would   translation). Paris: Institut de Recherches Évolutives;
        not be able to remember what I was doing,   1979, p. 343.
        or speaking about...) The Mother says that,
        “The work consists of changing the conscious   2.  Ibid., p. 251.
        basis of all the cells (5).” During those years
        of recovery I very much remembered that   3.  Ibid., p.127.
        specific moment of floating into the Divine,
        and I recalled  where the Mother said, “The   4. The Mother. Mother’s Agenda, Volume 3 (English
        body suddenly finds itself outside of all habits,   translation), 1982, p. 182.
        all actions, reactions, consequences, and then,
        it’s like a marvel, and then it disappears. It’s   5. The Mother. Mother’s Agenda, Volume 10 (English
        so new that each time we feel we’re at it, the   translation), 1993, p. 67.
        consciousness has a moment of panic (6).” In
        those moments of panic when the synapsis   6. The Mother. Mother’s Agenda, Volume 11 (English
        was not working properly, I learnt about   translation), 1993, p. 201.

        Veronik Menanteau is a visual artist, writer and Yoga Nidra teacher alternating between Paris and Auroville, India.

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