Page 41 - NAMAH-Jan-2018
P. 41

Namah                                           Evolution Next — XIV

        Their standard is truth, which means, that  now is false. It is as if the world has become
        either we should be able to give a satisfactory  a cultural battleground where new fashion
        reason or explanation for whatever is being  statements are emerging to capture the mind
        done or asked of them to practice. Mere  of youth and pervert it even before they have
        ritualistic practice or formal mechanical  the discrimination. It is like trying to slay the
        conformity is not their natural way of life.  divine child while he is still in the cradle.
        If they say, ‘Namaste’ they must ‘feel’ it and
        not say it because it is a socially acceptable  Conversions and radicalisations are being
        behaviour. Similarly if they ‘feel’ that their  done to spread terror and divide the world
        inner state can be better expressed through a  using the massive advantage of technology.
        particular gesture or a particular word then  There are many such examples and young
        they would rather prefer that than to repeat  children are becoming easy prey through
        an age-old mechanical formula of greeting.  no fault of theirs except that they are not
        The very language is changing, becoming more  inwardly developed enough to resist what
        impersonal so to say.                    needs to be resisted and embrace what needs
                                                 to be embraced. Of course, not all can be taken
        The wash-out generation                  through the narrow doorway towards the
                                                 wide New World that is opening before us.
        This does not mean that they are living by  Many will simply be a washout generation
        truth. Far from it, since it is not easy to do so.  who will remain confused as ever and
        Secondly, the forces of falsehood are working  succumb to the various forces of darkness
        overtime to prevent the coming of the New  and unconsciousness that are fighting a last-
        Age that has already dawned by spreading  ditch losing battle. The two great Wars were
        their dark net in devious ways. They are often  like the storm that swept aside much of what
        using good things towards evil ends even as  we cherished as life. Now is the time for the
        the Divine brings good out of evil. Taking  action of Truth.
        advantage of the confusion that precedes all
        change, they are entering the vacuum created  The Action of Truth
        by the loss of past values. Take for example,
        the urge for Freedom, the transcending  The Action of Truth is often like a sieve; the
        of religious boundaries, the spirit behind  elements that are subtle, refined, humble,
        individualism and collectivism, all of which  supple pass through to the other side. But that
        are foundations of a New World Order but  which is hard and rigid, crude and inflexible
        are being used for other ends by forces of  tends to linger back.  This of course is the initial
        falsehood that seek expansion. Freedom of  action. Later another action will follow, the
        speech is being used to distort and spread  action of fire, wherein those elements which
        disinformation while transcending religions  can bear the pressure of purification will not
        are being used to further pseudo-secularism  only remain but shine transformed whereas
        and a violent leftist ideology that throws out  those which are merely an appearance and
        the baby with the bath-water. Their very love  not the real thing will be reduced to ashes.
        for truth is being used to distort history in a  Finally will come the great deluge, a giant
        new way stating that all that was written until  wave of Time that will drown and carry away

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