Page 36 - NAMAH-Jan-2018
P. 36
Namah Vol. 25, Issue 4, 15th January 2018
sense of inner freedom will inevitably ebb loses all detachment and balance. Whenever I
and flow. There are many times when one identify with the limitations of nature I forget the
feels oneself passing through a very narrow freedom that lies inside. Once one reverses the
gorge. It can be very disconcerting because shift, one starts to become free. As soon as one
one might be unable to lay a finger on the makes this stand, the nature begins to reflect
reason why this is taking place. Our nature the light of the soul. Inch by inch, we move
has a way of camouflaging its numerous forward and we start with remembrance.
defects. We swing between dualities and
edge forward tentatively between states of When that happens, the fulcrum in our nature
darkness and light. shifts too and true change takes place. When
the entire change consolidates and settles, it
Remembrance paves the way to transformation. Only a free
soul can transform. The nature slowly starts
Such is the game of hide and seek that man to reflect the light of the soul. At that point, all
continually plays with his soul. Every time the old structures collapse into insignificance.
he forgets the Truth, a shadow casts on There can be no greater freedom than to
him inside. True freedom comes when release one’s attachment to the past. It can
he surrenders to it. Truly, it is a game of happen in the physical too. Only the true
remembrance where the task is to fill in these Light can dispel the shadows of the past over
gaps of missing consciousness. By treating it the body. Every time I make a progress, I must
as a game, the task becomes more interesting dig in my heels to ensure that no reversal
and enjoyable. The game is won when the takes place there. Truly though, something
remembrance becomes realised and turns new has to take over other than this personal
into settled experience. Then remembrance effort. When we struggle and strain, we can
rises from being passive to something quite hardly claim to be free, although it can be
dynamic. This is, after all, what all yoga is indispensable for a long time.
about and it should be a path of joy. It makes
our way to liberation so much easier. The Inner work
divine consciousness and divine laughter is
always the key. Gradually I have come to realise that the
yearning for freedom can only be quenched
What I found was, as the consciousness first by the soul. It is the only part of our being
started to expand, I became uncomfortably which truly knows it. When soul and nature
aware of how unfree I apparently was. I saw my connect, the nature becomes freer and the
body and nature encased in habit; attachments medium for this process is always our
started peeking out like open sores. To this day, consciousness. There can be no set procedure
I find myself witnessing the captive nature. to this process. Each must find his or her way
It is endless! How many of its reactions are in this work. To connect body and soul is the
conditioned by the subconscious. Consider supreme aim of Integral Health and it is open
how rooted the body is in inconscience. This to each one of us to make it a reality. In this
viewpoint is a necessary and inevitable part work, when the body is set right, inwardly we
of growing, but if it becomes chronic then one are healed; when healing takes place inside,