Page 46 - NAMAH-Apr-2018
P. 46
Namah Vol. 25, Issue 4, 15th January 2018
had been reduced to a normal level. treatment, the client is PDM re-tested to verify
his/her non-reactivity to the previously
Conclusion identified bio-incompatible substance.
As demonstrated by case-studies, the IY/BE Appendix 2: Energetic balance
System can detect and address a variety of
bio-energetic disorders: clearing energetic Prior to implementing NAET, a client is tested
imbalances; alleviating a chronic condition; for a potential energetic imbalance. The latter
detect/reverse a bio-energetic cardiac disorder; may include a disequilibrium affecting the
and reduce stress reaction. Whereas a heart, as found for two of the case-studies
formal evaluation would be advantageous, (Louis and John). The NAET stages involve
the case-studies maybe regarded as a pilot detecting an imbalance, and subsequent re-
investigation — supporting the hypothesis balancing. The procedure is detailed in a prior
that the IY/BE System can contribute to a NAMAH issue (7).
more positive, healthy lifestyle.
Appendix 1: Nambudripad Allergy Elim-
ination Technique (NAET) 1. Seckel JP. Integral Yoga/bio-energetic healing
system. NAMAH July 2017; 25(2): 26-7.
It is recommended that the NAET method
be generally implemented by a certified 2. Ibid., pp. 28-9.
NAET practitioner. Based on principles of
Chinese medicine, the method is designed to 3. Seckel JP. Creating a healing atmosphere within
identify and clear blockages of bio-energetic centres and for a spiritual community: an
channels known as meridians, using Applied investigative study – II. NAMAH July 2015,
Kinesiology muscle-testing (QRT and 23(2): 29-30.
PDM). Blockage of a body system(s) and/or
organ(s) can be PDM detected and cleared 4. Ibid.
while the client is holding the vial of a bio-
incompatible substance. The vial is unique: 5. Seckel JP. Creating a healing atmosphere within
filled with water, its energy matrix had earlier centres and for a spiritual community: an
been modulated to correspond to a specific investigative study — I. NAMAH April 2015,
bio-incompatible substance. For its multi- 23(1): 22-3.
step detection/treatment procedure, NAET
applies configurations of acupressure points 6. Seckel JP. NAMAH July 2017: 31.
upon the spine, and related points on body
locations. Following the NAET acupressure 7. Seckel JP. NAMAH April 2015: 23.
Joachim P. Seckel, M.A., Acupr., NAET is a researcher based in Albany, California.