Page 45 - NAMAH-Apr-2018
P. 45

Namah                                                    Case studies

          imbalanced, according to NAET testing  due to the death of his wife several months
          (Appendices 1 & 2.) The practitioner re-  earlier, family illness, and job conflicts. At
          balanced the heart: for both current and  times felt numbness on body parts, including
          preventive levels, verified by re-testing.  heat on the bottom of his feet. Medical
        3. QRT testing revealed a hidden virus,  examination ruled out a stroke. Several IY/
          namely, “Adrenal Virus”. It was cleared  BE steps were taken:
          by applying NAET.
                                                 1. His heart energy was re-balanced, using
        #3: John                                   the NAET procedure.
        Treated previously with both distant healing and  2. His first cakra was re-balanced.
        directly with sessions, John often manifested  3. IBS analysis indicated a chronic condition,
        skin-eruptions. When he last visited for a   related to stress. IBS healing was applied
        session, several disorders became evident   for the condition.
        and were addressed.                      4. PDM-testing showed an allergic reaction to
        1. John’s heart PDM-tested as having a     spices; NAET procedure eliminated the allergy.
          bio-energetic imbalance; it was then re-  5. His stress level was reduced by employing
          balanced.                                NAET, using a vial labelled “Moving Ahead“.
        2. Known as “Integrated Biological Testing System
          (IBS)” — a multi-dimensional muscle-testing/  #5: Isao
          vial-system developed by Apex Corp. (6) —   Isao led a busy life in his occupation as taxi-
          revealed a basic Inflammation disorder. The  driver —  using arms and legs to manoeuver
          IBS procedure was implemented with a  the taxi for several hours per day. His wife
          series of vials, resulting in clearance of  reported he had been having some numbness
          the disorder.                          in his left leg and difficulty walking. QRT-
        3. PDM vial-scan testing indicated that John  testing showed a disorder caused by bacteria
          had Diverticulosis. Thus NAET was applied  (Staph.Pyogenes). Distant healing was applied
          to heal the disorder, as confirmed by PDM  to clear the disorder, using a vial for the
          re-testing.                            bacteria. Shortly thereafter, his wife reported
        4. Additional PDM-testing disclosed two  that Isao had regained a normal feeling
          types of bacteria: Streptococcus Pyogenes  without numbness in his left leg, and could
          and Bacteria Morgan. NAET cleared both  readily walk again.
          bacteria, as verified by re-testing.
        5. John had been feeling that something  #6: Joachim (IY/BE system practitioner)
          was plugging his ear canals. PDM-testing  1. As a chronic diabetes patient, Joachim
          showed a small yeast infection. It was  needs to measure his blood glucose (BG)
          cleared with the NAET procedure.       several times a day. On one occasion, his
        6. Testing for any other possible bio-energetic  glucose was found to be much too high.
          disorder — based on scans of multiple vials —  QRT and PDM-testing indicated the invasive
          indicated an allergic reaction to “Metal Mix”.  presence of adverse bacteria (Bac.Welshi). By
          The reaction was thereby cleared with NAET.  applying NAET, the bacteria were cleared, as
        #4: Narish                               verified by PDM re-testing. Subsequently, a
        Had been experiencing excessive stress largely  repeated BG measure showed his blood sugar

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