Page 51 - NAMAH-Oct-2018
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Namah Integral Yoga/ Bio-energetic Healing System
indicated she needed healing of the heart on right hip, using NAET with the vial ‘Sweet
a long-term basis. By applying technique Inner Chi’. Pre-post QRT-testing, indicated
#2, Dyanne’s heart function increased from the functionality of her right hip improved
80% to 100%. from 50% to 80%.
Technique 3: Keiko Technique 7: The friendship between Phillip
With a history of minor disorders (adverse and Rita had exhibited occasional stressful
energy, pathogens, allergies, etc.), Keiko incidents due to misunderstandings. Thus, the
showed a disharmony of her three Integral practitioner implemented HFR. Thereafter,
Yoga bodies (physical, vital, mental). The their friendship level improved from 60% to
practitioner asked the Divine Mother to 80% on a long-term basis.
restore her harmony — subsequently, HIYB
was confirmed with QRT re-testing. Technique 8: Jim
The practitioner provided DAS to his friend,
Technique 4: Arlene Jim. For the initial stage, Jim’s bio-energetic
As a critical medical procedure, Arelene’s age, according to QRT-testing, showed a
heart valve had been surgically replaced. decrease of five years.
For conjunctive support, the practitioner
applied technique # 4, as detailed above. Technique 9: Regina
Its effectiveness was verified with QRT re- Planning to drive a rental car to a distant
testing. location along narrow roads, Regina needed
to ensure safety. Following the practitioner’s
Technique 5: Renate SPS application, her safety-level based on
Initial QRT-testing for Renate for the presence QRT-testing increased from 70% to 90%.
of ‘bacteria’ or ‘virus’ failed to detect either
pathogen. However, upon stating “hidden References
bacteria”, its presence was detected —
namely, Bacteria Welshi. Using NAET, the 1. Seckel JP. Creating a healing atmosphere
practitioner cleared the bacteria. within centres and for a spiritual community:
an investigative study — I. NAMAH April
Technique 6: Jane 2015; 23 (1): 24-8.
Having had replacement of her left hip, Jane
also needed replacement of her right hip. 2. Seckel JP. Integral Yoga/bio-energetic
Thus, the practitioner applied CBHCD for her healing. NAMAH July 2017; 25 (2): 25-6.
Joachim P. Seckel, M.A., Acupr., NAET is a researcher residing in Lodi, California.