Page 49 - NAMAH-Oct-2018
P. 49
Namah Integral Yoga/ Bio-energetic Healing System
enhanced % function; Healing for chronic disorder CBHCD)’. Involving
4. If necessary, repeat the procedure for chronic damage to a body system(s), IYBE
sufficient enhancement. leads to partial improvement rather than total
healing. Parallel to technique #4, but state
Technique 2: ‘Nerve shield reinforcement “CBHCD.”
(NSR)’, which minimises/prevents negative
energy/illness from entering the body (1). Technique 7: ‘Harmonious friendship or
The technique involves: relationship’ (HFR) for two individuals
who have undergone psychological conflict,
a. Ask the Divine Mother by Her Grace for misunderstanding, stress, etc. Three steps
the NSI integration; are used:
b. Apply NAET (1), using a water-filled vial
energised for a specific substance. a. With QRT-testing, assess current degree
c. A day later, QRT re-test the level of NSI. If (%) of friendship, or relationship;
below 97%, repeat the technique. b. Ask the Divine Mother for her Grace to,
“Engender a harmonious friendship or
Technique 3: ‘Harmony of Integral Yoga relationship” — meditate on this prayer
bodies (HIYB)’ for a client. If QRT-testing for several minutes;
indicates disharmony of Integral Yoga bodies c. A day later, QRT to re-assess HFR (%).
(physical, vital and mental), state, “May the
Divine Mother by Her Grace bring about HIYB Technique 8: This represents ‘De-aging stage(s)
for the client.” 1-2 days later, re-test for HIYB. (DAS)’, enabling an elderly client to become
slightly younger on a bio-energetic level. The
Technique 4: ‘NAET at the preventive level first stage might be 2-5 years, followed by a
(NPL)’, which prevents a potential disorder, similar second stage. Parallel to technique
such as allergy, pathogen, cardiac disease or #1, state “De-Aging Stage.”
early-stage cancer. The stages are:
Technique 9: This offers ‘Safety Protection (SP)’,
a. QRT-test to indicate if the disorder needs when a client is at risk due to circumstances:
NPL. If so,
b. QRT or PDM-scan to detect the vial relevant a. QRT-test client for current % safety level;
for the disorder. Apply NAET with the b. Ask Divine Mother for Her Grace for
vial, stating “Preventive Level”. client’s ‘Safety Protection.’
c. Thereafter, QRT or PDM re-test with the c. QRT re-test for client’s % safety level.
vial, to verify NPL effectiveness.
Appendix 1: Applied Kinesiology testing
Technique 5: ‘Possible hidden pathogen (PHP)’, for IY/BE System
which detects a hidden pathogen, followed
by NAET healing. State “Hidden bacteria”, Two forms of Applied Kinesiology muscle-
or “Hidden virus.” testing are utilised:
Technique 6: ‘Compensatory Bio-Energetic 1. Question-Response Testing (QRT): upon asking a