Page 14 - NAMAH-Jan-2018
P. 14
Namah Vol. 26, Issue 4, 15th January 2019
us, within us, in fact everywhere around us. of illusions which yet we mistake as the home
Therefore the mind cuts into bits and pieces of truth! At other times it only reinforces a
even whatever little it perceives. This makes it false view of things, even gives us an illusion
manageable for our limited finite minds lest it of knowledge or worse still fills us with
gets lost in the vast ocean of infinity. Our ego- arrogance of ‘knowledge’ where there is
self then chooses to dwell now in one of these nothing but ignorant perceptions multiplied
bits or the other, in fact, in different pieces by the power of ‘n’ in the field of our sight.
at different times. The mistake however is But just as a lie repeated many times does not
that identified with a small little piece in an become a truth so too an ignorant perception,
immense Reality beyond our comprehension; repeated often and confirmed by others is
looking out at a small little patch of sky out not an indication that we are closer to Truth.
of the window of sense that can sense but not What we have to do instead is to augment our
observe in one stretch the boundlessness of field of vision and the capacity to know through
Space; or focusing on one small event out of a progressive widening and deepening and
countless things happening in different slices heightening of our ‘individual consciousness’
of Time we believe it to be the whole! We as well as augment our senses and awaken
deal with others and the world as if what we those still latent within us so as to increase our
have seen, heard (often from others), thought capacity to observe and know. Our mind itself
and felt is the ultimate Truth without any needs to stretch beyond its present limitations
scope of further correction. Of course what imposed by the analytic reason which cannot
we perceive right now is our starting point; go beyond slicing the One Reality and then
it is the first data to begin our exploration but trying to piece it together to recreate Oneness.
it is never adequate to draw any definitive It is an impossibility even if our present sense
conclusions. Yes, we have to sometimes act organisation and mental development could
upon our limited perception or, to use an observe all the forces that act upon us and
expression from the Upanissads, an ignorant within creation because Reality is not a fixed
perception, in the absence of any other; yet we finite mechanical object or ‘thing’ but an Infinity
must keep striving towards an enlargement that can always spring a surprise upon us.
of our knowledge. Besides as yogic experience confirms IT is
Self-Conscious and, being the Origin and
Enlargement Source of all things, also All-Conscious. But
precisely because IT is the Source, IT dwells
This enlargement cannot take place by a in all things including us.
collection of more data, by a flooding of
information from many sources since as Yoga and religion
human beings not only I but others too
are equally limited and hampered in their This is the secret that yoga teaches us, that
knowing for the same reasons cited above. there are ways and means to discover and
Adding up data and multiplying information identify with this Source, call it by whatever
does not bring clarity but only increases our name. It is then and then only that our illusion
confusion. Sometimes it ends up strengthening of an ego-constructed reality and nightmare
our ignorant perception thereby creating a prison of a life that we presently lead ends. It may