Page 12 - NAMAH-Jan-2018
P. 12

Yogic insights into human psychology

        Encountering Reality

        Dr. Alok Pandey

        It is important to answer a few fundamental questions before we can live life meaningfully; among them
        a question of capital importance is as to the nature of Reality that underlies creation. Is it a mechanical
        inconscient energy or a conscious Force? Whatever it be, this Reality must be also within us since it is the
        origin and the source of all things. Is there a way to contact and confirm this Reality? These are the questions
        that have vexed mankind. Among the answers sought to these questions, the most promising seems to be
        coming through yoga. It is not just a philosophy or a belief-system but a real-time process of engaging and
        discovering Reality.

        An understanding of Reality is important,  But we as human beings have not just a
        especially for us as human beings, since this  belief that our perception is the best but
        is the cause of many misunderstandings,  unfortunately the only one as well. We
        frictions, quarrels and other misgivings.  believe our own understanding of the world
        We humans have the unique distinction of  as true while all others as either untrue or
        living in different worlds even though we  inferior to our own. What we fail to see is
        may inhabit the same physical space! In fact  that ‘Reality’ at its bottom is subjective. This
        we live not in one world but many, by often  is not to say that there is nothing and all is
        shifting from one part of the day to the other.  simply an illusion. That is an equally absurd
        And while we live and breathe that world’s  proposition. What it means is that there is
        air we are affected by its atmosphere. We are  ‘Something’ but we all perceive it differently,
        trapped as it were in bubbles of inner Space  a little limited by our senses, a little distorted
        that co-exist as parallel universes. In itself this  by our mind’s conditioning, a little changed
        would not be so much of a problem except  by our emotions, a little cabined and cramped
        that we would simply continue to remain  by the action of our ego that builds frames
        shut in the prison-house of our ignorance.  where there is only a limitless vast extension
        Animals live very much like that, happy in  of the One Infinite. Those who have gone
        their ignorance with no need to change either  beyond the frame of the ego and limitations
        themselves or others.                    of our experience and knowing born out of

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