Page 20 - NAMAH-Jan-2018
P. 20
Namah Vol. 26, Issue 4, 15th January 2019
of university where learning in action is the simultaneously enables the learner to be:
norm with karmayoga as its deeper means. It
is to embark upon this greater destiny of 1. In harmony with one’s inner nature
Auroville that we have initiated the Swadharma 2. In harmony with one’s outer work
programme. 3. In harmony with the larger whole of which
the individual is a part.
The Swadharma programme
Swadharma offers young seekers — aged 18
to 28 — an opportunity to embark on a How do we awaken the learner to the divine
transformative learning journey with the goal spark within? How do we help them to gather
of self-discovery in the context of Auroville. this spark into a growing flame? How do we
The programme has been designed as a five- help them to express it in outer action? How
week long multi-disciplinary foundation do we do it using the resources available within
programme with an option for a self-directed Auroville? These were the questions that were
internship in Auroville after five weeks. alive in us while designing the programme.
The duration of stay after the five-week
programme is left to the learners to decide Since this is not about sharing information,
depending on their convenience. While self- the Swadharma programme has no textbooks.
directed learning is the norm in Auroville, The only book to read is one’s own interior
without some basic training in recognising and the challenge is to invoke the presence
the true self from the instruments through of the inner fire. This is done best not as an
which it acts, the learning journey is likely to information exchange but by transferring
be chaotic. So the focus of the programme is to the inspired energy by those who are already
help the learner to experientially discern their following its call. So the most precious support
true self from all its instrumental layers and in the learning journey is the presence of the
bring this inner guide to lead their actions. people who have spent decades toiling in
Auroville manifesting their dreams in action.
We recognise that the awakening and growth In this process we broadly cover three areas,
of the inmost being is a lifelong process and the Self, Society and Environment. It is their struggle
purpose of the programme is to initiate and and battle with challenges on the way and the
establish the learner on the path of unending sharing of this precious experience in their
self-exploration, self-discovery, and self- own living contexts that made the biggest
creation. A growing passion for the joy of impact on the learners. There is plenty of
learning and creative self-transformation sharing and plenty of learning.
will be the sign that the inherent force
dormant within the individual is awake While encounters with the living intensity of
and beginning to chart its course of growth. the fire on the path provide great stimulation
Such an individual will be self-driven and in and inspiration, it is not enough for the learners
harmony with the individual purpose and to orient themselves towards their own
the purpose of the larger whole of which inner fire. This is done through detailed self-
the individual is a part. Thus the pedagogy observation to discern between sensations,