Page 21 - NAMAH-Jan-2018
P. 21
Namah Insight
impulses, desires, drives, emotions, thoughts, to purify and develop the instrumental nature
ideas, values, imaginations, insights and inspirations. comes into active awareness of the learner.
Such a self-observation is facilitated through It is this encounter that is at once external
deep listening, awareness through the body, and internal, that brings out the shadowy
journal writings, sharing circles, natural peer- elements within that refuse to change. That’s
to-peer learning and feedback from vigilant when the battle begins between the light and
mentors. Theatre too was actively used in shadow within.
inner exploration. A general understanding
of the various parts of our being and their Self-doubt, laziness, impulses, distractions,
psychological nature was provided as a fears, sorrows, inner wounds, depression,
reference for self-observation. All this was anger, childhood traumas and all that were
to help the learner to discern between their hidden in the inner cellars starts showing
external parts of the being and the signals up when the learners embark upon actively
coming from the inmost centre. The learners’ changing their daily life-patterns. That’s when
first challenge is to discover their values and a safe space to share with deep bonds of love
potential lines of external work in alignment and care become a necessary condition for
with their inmost truth and its guidance. everyone to be vulnerable and open. This
By now each learner is on their own unique enables the learners to leave behind their
trails of growth and they start exploring their outer persona and embrace confusion and
specific domains of interest by meeting domain pain and dive inward to find the deeper truth
experts. and its healing presence. Often breakdowns
lead to breakthroughs and facing confusion
But then, it is not sufficient that one gets some and walking through their clouds leads to
inner connection and its inspiring insights, luminous clarity. This naturally brings out the
there must be a readiness and capacity in the importance of faith, aspiration and sincerity
outer instruments to put them into daily life on the path.
context. Unless the outer life changes, the
inner contact cannot come fully alive and lead Everyone has their own pace and each one
the learner. This naturally demands the leaner is on their own authentic trail with its own
to encounter one’s instrumental nature in unique challenges. And it is a lifelong journey.
terms of the body, the vital energy animating Five weeks of focused exploration only puts
it and the intelligent will of the mind. Each of the learner in touch with what is possible and
these instruments is to be observed in terms shows them how to walk the path and build
of their strengths and weaknesses. Such an their own transformational practices. The
understanding arises vividly only when the Swadharma programme is not about finding
learner attempts to bring out the inner contact one’s career, but about how to take authentic
into practical action by attempting to do dream steps on the path so that one’s inner call naturally
projects of their choice. While engaging in unfolds into outer fields of action.
action the complexity of surrounding life
brings out the strengths and weaknesses Experience so far
of each learner. That’s when more precise
understanding of the needed daily practices Since 2016, we have had 75 students who