Page 9 - NAMAH-Apr-2019
P. 9

Namah                                                       Editorial

        dreams, reminding her of all sorts of unsavoury  meaning of the symbols that appear in our
        things. When I uncovered them, she indignantly  dreams and visions.
        refused to acknowledge them. The dreams then
        became menacing, and full of references to  From Instinct to intuition
        the walks she used to take all by herself in the
        woods, where she indulged in soulful fantasies.  To this great exposure that Jung has given,
        I saw her danger, but she would not listen to  the consciousness perspective arising from
        my many warnings. Soon afterwards, she was  Sri Aurobindo’s paradigm would add
        savagely attacked in the woods by a sexual  another perspective. While the study of
        pervert; but for the intervention of some people  the past by exploring the archetypes in
        who heard her screams, she would have been  the collective unconscious is an important
        killed.                                  step, an exploration of the superconscious
                                                 to create a receptive space for the Unborn
        “There was no magic in this. What her dreams  Idea is also significant. The Unborn Idea
        had told me was that this woman had a secret  that can descend through the phenomenon
        longing for such an adventure (6)”.      of intuition can bring in a new dimension
                                                 hitherto not experienced. It can also use an
        In other words, she harboured in her psyche  existing archetype as a template to manifest
        such raw masochistic instincts that were  an entirely new creative idea. The classic
        revealed in her dreams. These instinctual  example is the age-old symbol of a snake
        feelings were so strong that she ignored the  eating its tail which subjects have dreamt
        warnings by her therapist. Obviously, she did  for centuries. (Even a few days back, in
        not expect the price she had to pay.     January 2019, when this correspondent was
                                                 explaining archetypal symbols during a post-
        Instincts which are perceived by senses  graduate counselling course in Calcutta, one
        can manifest in dreams and fantasies as  female student immediately narrated how
        symbols. Jung named such manifestations as  she had been dreaming this symbol without
        archetypes which can remain in the collective  knowing its significance). Jung showed how
        unconscious and be accessible to many  this symbol was portrayed in a third century
        people across space and time. Our earliest  B.C Greek manuscript (8).
        fantasies are recorded in our myths and fables
        which have been carried from the psyche  When the 19 Century German chemist,
        of the archaic man to the present mind-  Kekule dreamt this symbol, an intuitive
        set through the collective unconscious. As  idea stimulated his creative acumen to
        an embryologist studies the comparative  design the closed carbon ring that became
        embryonic anatomy of the hierarchy of  the molecular structure of benzene and the
        species that have successively appeared, a  forerunner of organic chemistry. Kekule’s
        psychologist needs to study the “comparative  dream came at a time when his research
        anatomy of the psyche (7)” which is recorded  had got stuck and he was struggling for
        in mythology. It is necessary to understand  a new idea. Stuart Holroyd narrates the
        the primitive psyche if we wish to explore  speech Kekule made at a conference of
        the contemporary mind-set that has lost the  scientific colleagues:

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