Page 14 - NAMAH-Apr-2019
P. 14

Namah                                    Vol. 27, Issue 1, 24th April 2019

        Child sexual abuse                       It is heartening to see how organisations
                                                 and individuals are responding. More than
        This article is not about the earliest devel-  ten lakh children are reported to be sexually
        opmental stage, but the next. Here children  abused in India every year. Note the word
        are conscious, and have a sense of self.  reported. When asked, 53% of children said
        When they are abused they understand  they faced some form of sexual abuse. Three
        it. Child sexual abuse (CSA) is the worst  important discoveries were made as part of
        kind of abuse. It leaves permanent scars in  the Satyameva Jayate research.
        the victim’s psyche. Most of the abusers are
        known to the children, which is how they are  1. Young boys are as vulnerable as young
        enticed in the first place. Sometimes these are   girls.
        the very people who are supposed to be their  2. All the abusers are men.
        protectors. Children who have been abused  3. These men are from all backgrounds —
        grow up to have difficulties in relationships   rich, poor, educated, illiterate, urban, rural,
        — with partners and parents. They find it   from any religion, any caste. And this is true
        hard to love their own bodies. They have   all over the world, developing country or
        uncontrolled outbursts of rage, which is the   First World. Why men alone? The answer
        past wound erupting like a volcano. Our    is testosterone, the male sex hormone,
        society does not have a safe place for them   a natural steroid, the muscle-building
        to address their issues. Because sex is taboo.   agent. Psychologically, it is responsible for
        Visiting a psychotherapist is taboo. Pointing   aggression, ego issues, sexual craving. The
        a finger at a family elder is taboo. It is easy to   male body starts producing it earlier than
        beguile a child, because they trust an uncle,   the female body, and keeps on producing
        or cousin, or teacher, or guardian. When   it till the end of life. The female hormones
        they complain, after the damage is done, the   are the very opposite; they increase love
        family hushes them up. It is social stigma   and empathy. After the child-bearing
        to be branded a pervert, and everybody in   years, they are produced less and less.
        the family will suffer the branding. Even the   Both men and women produce male
        women in the family hush it up, because the   and female hormones, but only in very
        perpetrator is the bread-earner. What if they   different quantities.
        abandon them? As a result, the child represses
        the suffering and lives warped all her life.  Now that we know the gravity of the situation,
        This means a wicked man is saved and an  what are we doing about it? After horrific cases
        innocent child is imprisoned for life.   surfaced among the public in India, activists
                                                 and their supporters marched and clamoured
        Aamir Khan ran an episode on child sexual  for months. The public outcry was answered in
        abuse in his TV programme, Satyameva Jayate, in  2012 with a new law — POCSO, Protection of
        May 2012, which is available online for everyone  Children from Sexual Offences. It was revised
        to watch. Interesting discussions followed  in 2018 to be a little more stringent, because
        and are still going on in their web page .  it did not bring down the crime rate as much
        1  See

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