Page 14 - NAMAH-Oct-2019
P. 14

Namah                                  Vol. 27, Issue 3, 15th October 2019

        in the medical experimentation camp was.  I  reacted as if it was not so aware.  Did I have
        could witness both what happened to them…  false memory syndrome, or not?  I had always
        and when we were led to the showers, for  thought it could not have been epigenetics,
        the final solution, I knew what was going  as all my biological ancestors were already in
        to happen. I died angry at such a waste of  UK before Nazi practices began, though both
        shortened lives (1)”.                    parents’ distant families had experienced
                                                 pogroms in 19  century Russia and Poland.
        As far as I am aware none of my ancestors  One psychology counsellor claimed I may
        were in Nazi Germany, so how did I access  have had: a memory which appeared to
        that information and those experiences?  In  be new, but was recalled from TV, book or
        the West, some of us may use a linear model  radio.  His interpretation didn’t fit my own
        to describe our assumptions that life begins at  understanding.
        conception or birth and continues in a linear
        manner until death, which is the end of the  Intergenerational trauma
        process (except for spiritists, and people
        originating from Non-European places on  These experiences made me ask myself whether
        earth).  Did a linear model of life fit my  I was born free. Or did I enter this Natalie
        experiences above? No, it did not...     existence as a new-born with a package of
                                                 old experiences to address?  Studies illustrate
        Multiple interpretations?                that Post Traumatic Stress Disorder can occur
                                                 across generations, from people who had
        I am wondering how we might interpret my  direct experience, to their offspring. One
        experiences: were they ancestral memories  study found Nazi holocaust trauma in one
        from a real (but unknown) family history,  generation passed on trauma to the next,
        or from a past life of mine, or from someone  through the genes: the theory of epigenetic
        else’s past life, or someone’s actual life,  inheritance. “Genetic changes stemming from
        which I had somehow tuned into?  Did  the trauma suffered by Holocaust survivors are
        I experience extra-ordinary empathy, or   capable of being passed on to their children (2).”
        profound focused knowing or clairvoyance?
        Did I somehow tune in remotely to another  An American researcher studied children of
        person’s traumatic experiences, or was I able  Holocaust survivors, and found descendents
        to access Akashic realms, or some other field  of those who experienced Nazi Holocaust had
        of consciousness, in an unsolicited manner?  altered stress hormones, which predisposed
        Perhaps I had experienced spirit attachment  them to anxiety (3).  Other authors mentioned
        or possession of my body and my mind? Or  their memories of the past, beyond their birth
        perhaps over those ten years of experiences I  which appeared to come from someone else’s
        wonder if all those memories were my spiritual  existence, an-other’s existence.  These include
        imagination?                             writings on the Holocaust and reincarnation
                                                 of Yael Shahar (4), Elise Wardle (5), and Rabbi
        Where did the data of this remote perception  Gershom (6).
        come from? As I said before, I always knew
        who this Natalie person was, but my body  I wondered if it was possible for those who

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