Page 18 - NAMAH-Oct-2019
P. 18

Namah                                  Vol. 27, Issue 3, 15th October 2019

        paradigm shift within psychiatry, similar to  globally in plural ways of thinking.
        examples in Brazil, where mainstream doctors
        have worked together with traditional healers  Are we willing to collaborate?
        for the last 50 years. Change is occurring:
        in UK a new group British Spiritist Medical  Those of us in the academic disciplines of
        Association was recently set up by Brazilian  Religious Studies, Psychiatry, Transpersonal
        scholars. Let us also acknowledge the  Psychology, Paranormal Psychology and
        work of Stephen Harrod Buhner (25) and  Medical Anthropology — I am writing to
        support those who have what he calls ‘open  ask if we could create a bridge amongst
        gating’ with deep sensitivity to sound and  ourselves? It would be marvellous to
        environment.                             see more profound dialogue between the
                                                 various disciplines: scholars sitting together
        Conclusion: addressing current dilemmas  around a table, exploring the phenomenology
                                                 of anomalous experiences for the benefit of
        I propose war and trauma not only damages  those who experience mental distress. Again
        soldiers, ‘victims’ and their descendants,  I invite academic scholars to compare the
        but also the general population, who may  phenomenology of experiences which result in
        unconsciously, energetically and spontaneously  mental distress. Could we use our research data
        access trauma of both the living and the dead.  to compare and contrast the lived phenomena
        This may cause horrific visionary memories,  of human experience?  As more people learn
        unattributable depression, or result in further  about other states of consciousness, this would
        acts of terror, that may or may not be a  positively enhance our global dialogue around
        result of over or wrong medication.  For the  mental health. Let us acknowledge the multiple
        above insights to be sustainable, we need  layers of understanding for addressing health
        to ensure our education system in medical  and wellbeing.
        and healthcare establishments, religious
        experience, psychology and parapsychology  References
        departments, is up-to-date with our new
        understandings on culture and altered states   1.   Tobert  N. Thinking the Unthinkable: Ancestral
        of consciousness.  The long-term aim of this   Memories and Consciousness. Paradigm Explorer
        work is to promote social wellbeing according   3, Scientific and Medical Network 2018: 12.
        to the spirit of our times.  We need to work
        together.                                2.  Thomson H.  Study of Holocaust survivors
                                                    finds trauma passed on to children’s genes,
        There is a problem, not just with front line   The Guardian, 21 August 2015.  [Online] https://
        medical and healthcare staff, but with the
        education system as a whole and with politics.    study-of-holocaust-survivors-finds-trauma-
        New students may be trained in old ways     passed-on-to-childrens-genes (Accessed August
        of thinking about anomalous phenomena.      2019)
        This is unfortunate for those who suffer from
        mental breakdown, extreme experiences, or   3.  Yehuda R. How Trauma and Resilience cross
        spiritual emergency. We must train staff    Generations, WNYC Radio broadcasts, New

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