Page 49 - NAMAH-Oct-2019
P. 49

Namah                                                         Insight

        installed, one just invites Love to take over.  behind its imprint of the Truth. Wherever
        The key to all effective practice is connection.  it goes it leaves a dynamic peace in its
        My connection is to the Mother. The process  wake.  This is the mark and signature of the
        needs to be repeated continuously because  Truth. There is a descent. A majestic Force
        one cannot expect falsehood to leave our  comes down to course through the body.
        stable overnight.                        So the work involves eliminating anything
                                                 that stands in its way. We watch the Truth
        I find working through the body gives very  being installed into our being through the
        profound results. I use it when I intend to go  portal of our body. From top to bottom
        deeper. It is a paradox that the most surface  the Consciousness works, executing with
        consciousness can trigger such inner change,  its unique divine Force.  Sometimes tiny
        but it is true. The body is such a beautiful  shafts of AAnanda may sparkle in our being
        channel. When the body consciousness is  .The advent of Love is being prepared!  It
        sufficiently developed it provides an open  is a beautiful work. Love and Truth really
        window to all our inner states. Every blemish  should be a living part of our lives; only then
        and stain will appear there if one is capable of  can transformation unfold. With a living
        just disinterestedly observing. There should  aspiration for divine Love and Truth, it is
        be no judgment… one just witnesses what  sure to happen.
        is there. This is consciousness, not just
        awareness, because consciousness alone  References
        has the necessary dynamism to implement
        change. Everything that rises to the surface   1.  The Mother. Collected Works of the Mother, Volume
        should be observed.  The consciousness has   14. Cent ed. Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram
        the capacity to turn pain into something   Trust; 1980, p. 128.
        quite sublime. With consciousness comes
        knowledge, knowledge of the truth behind   2.  Sri Aurobindo. Birth Centenary Library, Volume
        every single deformation.                23. Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram Trust;
                                                 1970, p. 772.
        This knowledge alone has the capacity to
        turn every wrong movement into right.    3.  The Mother. Collected Works of the Mother, Volume
        Everywhere it goes, the consciousness leaves   14; p. 211.

                 James Anderson is a member of SAIIIHR and coordinating editor of NAMAH.

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