Page 47 - NAMAH-Oct-2019
P. 47
Namah Insight
takes place, the vibration becomes susceptible find it appearing like an unexpected guest!
to the influences of the remaining vital nature. Then it transforms my day. A simple gesture
Only rarely is it offered immediately at the may be enough to trigger it: an act of kindness
altar of the soul. How many people live or a glance into divine eyes. Everything
entirely in the soul? This has to be learnt. depends on our state of consciousness at the
So without a constant remembrance it will time. We may stare intently at a photograph
always sink. of the Mother one day and feel nothing but
be transfixed into ecstasy the next day at the
What is usually taken by society as love sight of the same picture! It all depends on
is not just an emanation of the heart. It is the resonance, our state of receptivity. Love’s
much more complex than that as there are so appearance is always spontaneous; there is
many other parts of the vital nature which no premeditation. One is simply ready….
shape this vibration. As soon as it channels
through the heart, it begins to lose touch Alignment to the Truth
with its own source. Such is the gravitational
force exerted upon it by the rest of the vital The being is ready because it is aligned to
that it cannot be sustained. So the essence the Truth. For Love to radiate it needs to be
of Love disintegrates and deforms through grounded in the Truth. Love always follows
this uniquely human process. We need to the Truth. We walk a dangerous path if we
be very attentive and awake to nurture this ignore this simple fact. Love and Truth form
feeling of emerging love otherwise the effect a unique combination. Their work is different
on our well-being can become dire indeed. but essentially the same. Love will never
Sometimes though, in extreme circumstances, appear without the Truth. That is why it is
the tiniest fragment of this true essence will such a rare commodity. This relationship
protect us from cascading down into disaster. determines everything at both individual
There is a Force that holds man back from and cosmic levels.
committing the most bestial of atrocities. This
is the power of Love. One foundation of the Truth is Oneness. A
state of oneness implies complete well-being.
So the emotion appears in many gradations. Nothing else can touch it. In the microcosm,
No part of our nature can truly look after it. on the individual level, our whole nature has
Only the Psychic Being can insulate it from to be harmonised around the soul, which is
contamination. So many mixed ingredients the individual embodiment of this Oneness.
seep into its content. Once harassed by the It is as simple as that. Through harmonisation
interplay of our vital nature, it comes out as lies oneness, oneness through multiplicity,
something very complicated and dispersed. a oneness that reigns over all differences.
It loses the simple single-pointedness, which More specifically, it is the Psychic Being’s
is such an important aspect of true Love. way of making our nature one. This oneness
The true vibration needs to be understood. is essential because nature is something that
Love visits us only when the mind and vital thrives on diversity. In our individual lives,
are still. It shies away from all agitation; any this diversity descends into inner conflict and
‘pulling’ will simply not work. Sometimes I dispersion because the nature easily loses