Page 10 - NAMAH-Jan-2020
P. 10

Namah                                  Vol. 27, Issue 4, 15th January 2020

        phenomenon, we need to appreciate the meta-  Thus, at every moment, reason has to make a
        psychology of reason.                    conscious choice to move towards Truth. This
                                                 indicates that “in the principle of reason itself
        A pre-existent truth                     there is the assertion of a Transcendence (4).”

        In Chapter VII of The life Divine, Sri Aurobindo  Problems of reason
        deals with the meta-psychology of reason.
                                                 The meta-psychological perspective has to
        Reason is supposed to be a faculty that is  deal with two problems of reason:
        logical, unbiased, error-free and engaged
        in the disinterested pursuit of Truth. But  a.  Despite the element of Transcendence that
        who decides what Truth is? Who decides  exists in reason and leads man to ‘positive’
        what Falsehood is? Or else who decides  constructs of Truth, Reason also succumbs
        what is a greater Truth or a lesser truth?  to the stark practical reality that contradicts
        Why do we prefer honesty to dishonesty,  man’s highest ideals. Man’s idea of Truth is
        life over homicide, and peace over discord?  “an absolute of all that is positive to his own
        If Reason has to choose, how does it arrive   concepts and desirable to its own instinctive
        at an error-free choice? If Reason is unbiased   aspiration, — Knowledge without its negative
        and disinterested, how can it vouchsafe for  shadow of error, Bliss without its negation
        certain values, declaring them to be positive   in experience of suffering, Power without its
        and impose it on our being?              denial by incapacity, purity and plenitude
                                                 of being without the opposite sense of defect
        The interesting thing is that certain objectives  and limitation (5).” But the practical reality
        are equally valid to the spiritual aspirant as  is just the opposite of what our highest
        well as to the atheist — both would reject  ideals envisage. The world as we perceive it
        dishonesty, discord, disease, death — both  appears to be the denial or contradiction of
        would vouchsafe for honesty, peace, health  our absolutist ideals. Therefore, reason has to
        and life! There is unanimity in whatever is  constantly make a compromise, opting for “a
        considered ‘positive’ to life.           conditioned, limited and precarious knowledge,
                                                 happiness, power and good (6).”
        This means that the human being’s concept
        of whatever is positive already pre-exists  b. Reason works through doubts and inhibitions
        somewhere in consciousness. Sri Aurobindo  and lacks the spontaneous, uninhibited quality
        describes that there is a positive, pre-existent  possessed by non-rational faculties like emotion.
        truth (3). Reason moves towards this Truth  It is as if reason lacks the instinctive certitude
        by elimination of error, progressing through  that emotion per se possesses. Sri Aurobindo
        the dualities of ‘right’ knowledge and ‘wrong’  explains that this happens because emotions
        knowledge. (‘Right’ knowledge is that which  like happiness have an implicit, in-built element
        moves towards the unitary principle, ’wrong  of faith:
        ’knowledge is that which is ‘exclusive’ but
        unable to shift from the multiplicity to the   “If our reason has not the same instinctive
        unitary poise of Reality).               certitude with regard to the other aspirations

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