Page 11 - NAMAH-Jan-2020
P. 11

Namah                                                       Editorial

        of humanity, it is because it lacks the same  One could cite a common experience. We
        essential illumination inherent in its own positive  know very well how difficult it is to eliminate
        activity. We can just conceive of a positive or  pain and death. Yet we cannot deny the
        absolute realisation of happiness, because  fact that “the rejection of pain is a sovereign
        the heart, to which that instinct for happiness   instinct of the sensations, the rejection of death
        belongs has its own form of certitude, is capable   a dominant claim inherent in the essence of our
        of faith and because our minds can envisage   vitality (10).” Indeed we have been trying to
        the elimination of unsatisfied want which is the  eliminate negative phenomena like pain and
        apparent cause of suffering (7).” Reason not  postpone death as far as possible. We have
        only lacks faith but is countered, contradicted  been trying to detect and minimize the causes
        and challenged by faith.                 of error, falsehood, ignorance and suffering.
                                                 To the last moment we do not want to lose
        In The Human Cycle, Sri Aurobindo elaborates:  hope for a moribund subject. We try to keep a
                                                 comatose subject in the life-support system as
        “The reason cannot grasp all truth in its embrace  far as possible. We try to explore our available
        because truth is too infinite for it; but still it does  potentiality to the maximum extent so as to
        grasp the something of it which we immediately  move with caution and precision towards
        need, and its insufficiency does not detract  our constructs of truth. We do not call a full
        from the value of its work, but is rather the  stop to research; we do not call for a halt to our
        measure of its value. For man is not intended  endeavour for progress beyond our present
        to grasp the whole truth of his being at once,  capacities.
        but to move towards it through a succession
        of experiences and a constant, though not  Sri Aurobindo is optimistic and points out
        by any means a perfectly continuous self-  that “present potentiality is a clue to future
        enlargement….Its inconstancy, its divisibility   realisation (11).” He is confident that the scope
        against itself, its power of sustaining opposite  of the present levels of human experience
        views are the whole secret of its value…For so  (viz. sensory perception and reason) can be
        man moves towards the infinity of the Truth  extended for conceptualising and willing an
        by the experience of its variety...(8)”   anterior potentiality. This can only be possible
                                                 by an expansion of the faculties of knowledge.
        Surpassing reason                        That expansion necessitates a surpassing of
                                                 reason and harnessing hitherto untapped
        Man cannot remain satisfied unless what  suprarational faculties. These suprarational
        presents to reason as instinctive aspirations  faculties have been sporadically available to
        are turned into realisable potentialities. This  exceptional individuals scattered in space
        is difficult to achieve. Sri Aurobindo explains:  and time. But Sri Aurobindo previsions their
                                                 emergence as a more generalised, universal
        “The error of the practical reason is an excessive  experience. He works out this concept in
        subjection to the apparent fact which it can  The Life Divine and traces an evolution of
        immediately feel as real and an insufficient  consciousness through cognitive matrices
        courage in carrying profounder facts of potentiality  that progressively moves towards a global
        to their logical conclusion (9).”        cognition that includes both the oneness and

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