Page 45 - NAMAH-Jan-2020
P. 45
Namah Facing mental challenges on the spiritual path...
or that come from older memories, hypnotise also think that, maybe, our previous comfort,
us in return. Whenever we fall into a bad when we were still in ignorance and when
habit, a pattern of our personality, we feed we had not yet started on this spiritual path,
electromagnetic fluid, pure vital substance to was much more comfortable.
these constructions that took shape little by
little, and who are today real demons who Finding the balance
threaten us at every moment.
We should understand how much suffering
If we stop feeding them, they will gradually procures us the sensation of being alive,
break up, but without ever disappearing because it gives us an object with which to
completely, as they are part of our system. moan and to struggle against. On the other
They are a part of us. When a break of hand, equanimity can give us the feeling
vigilance appears, a surprise, a painful that nothing is happening, apparently since
event, a shocking experience, a great stress, the profound changes interest the Psychic
our psychic armour may crack. A temporary Being first. One of my former patients has
weakness settles in, which will lead us to succeeded, after many sessions, to come out
lower our defences, while the disappearance of his depression. Later, he told me that he
of the filters that usually kept away the felt much better but that he was deeply bored.
triggers of our old ‘bad’ habits, will provoke
the resurgence of old automatisms, perhaps When periods of lows last for long, the
forgotten, for us to react the exact same way depression threatens to settle in. An innovative
as years back. therapeutic behaviour would advise one to
balance the mood swings by lowering the
These two challenges, the difficult evaluation peak of the mood, rather than waiting to for
of our progress and the persistence of old them be at their worst. When one is at the
automatisms, logically make appear a third lowest, in a depressive state, the neuronal
one, the instability of our moods, the difficulty connections are altered, it is difficult to align
of installing a fair equanimity in our daily lives. two constructive thoughts; one could even
This results in a considerable amplitude of have difficulty speaking. Our behaviour
the fluctuations of our mental, emotional or becomes erratic. It is easier to intervene
even physical states, making us pass from when we are at our best, but we do not think
exaltation, from a feeling of total power and about it, our euphoria is such that we do not
irresistibility, to an impression of stagnation, a want it, we prefer that this state is prolonged
disappointment, to ‘still and always react in the endlessly.
same way’. These amplitude differences for the
mind are like sudden changes in temperature The subconscious mind does not have the
for the physical body. Changing several times same behavioural charter as the conscious
a day from cool air conditioning to heat, one, the reasoning part. In the subconscious
puts our body through huge discomfort. We mind, there is no distinction between the
sometimes tell ourselves that it was better good and the bad, the true and the false,
to stay in a certain state rather than being which are concepts proper to the conscious
constantly shifted from one to the other. We part. The subconscious mind of a human