Page 47 - NAMAH-Jan-2020
P. 47
Those boring old clichés
Mira Prabhu
True friendship is a rare commodity. Virtually all human relations are tainted with ego.
Even generosity frequently comes as a mask for the egoic self. But if beaten and betrayed,
we must keep moving towards the Light that is truly ourselves. Life can make us bitter or
better: the choice is ours.
Clichés become clichés because they are true. because you could enhance their life or their
For instance, how many times has some egos, but for your flawed but brilliant self.
elder told you that you will know your true
friends only when you are sick and suffering, I knew a man who was a mixture of darkness
penniless, shunned by society, etcetera? You and light (this is true of us all, of course, but
might have smiled disbelievingly, but in time, in some the contrast is dramatic). Generous
you may learn that this is true. to the extreme, he gave and gave, but always
with his ego. Intelligent, charismatic and talented
Our planet teems with egomaniacs and narcissists as he was, he belonged to a generation that
who ‘love’, ’worship’ and ‘adore’ you when did not have easy access to the wisdom of
you are riding high. Some are drawn to you the ancient masters, and so he lived his life
because their egos are empowered by your with grand recklessness, showing off his
neediness and it delights them to believe that possessions and his sparkling personality,
you will come to rely on their largesse and unknowing that he was strengthening that
be gushingly servile in your attitude. But just which the seeker on the path of Advaita seeks
you wait until a hurricane blows you off your to annihilate — the egoic self, which in truth is
pedestal and reveals your frayed and dirty so insatiably hungry for attention and power
knickers! Worse still, when you grow strong that it can never ever be satisfied.
and confident again and have the guts to
speak your mind honestly and bravely, you Then a combination of factors caused him
will likely see that the few jewels who remain to fall. As his businesses went belly up, his
loyal and caring are those who loved you, not drinking increased to the point that he was