Page 23 - NAMAH-Jul-2020
P. 23

Namah                               The transcendent function of dreams

        archetypal and mythological associations,  back and forth between personalities and
        not just from one culture, but the world over.  not force an answer from the ‘other’. Yet it
                                                 works, and with practice, one gets better at
        Dialoguing with our dream                bypassing the observer-commentator ego and
                                                 letting the active imagination unfold. There
        Not only is dreamwork an exercise of  is a psycho-spiritual reason for the success
        associations, a dream can be passed through  in dialoguing, as Kaplan-Williams explains:
        the prism of language and be processed as
        a dialogue, for language too hides symbolic  “From my own experience and as well as
        clues. Psychologist Erich Neumann says,  other’s experiences, I can say that dreamwork
        “And because the symbol-forming process of  is soulwork. That somehow, somewhere there
        the unconscious is the source of the human  is a more central part of ourselves than we
        spirit, language, whose history is almost  usually know who welcomes the chance to
        identical with the genesis and development  speak to us….
        of human consciousness, always starts out as
        a symbolic language (6).” This is why dream  “A dialogue is a relationship between a
        analysis asks us to pay attention to the words  known and an unknown. Dialogue penetrates
        we use to describe dream objects. If we hear  mutual isolation. We have the choice to listen
        proper names of people and places, they are  perpetually only to our known selves, or to
        important clues; just as images and their size,  take the leap towards a relationship with the
        colour, texture and positions are.       stranger who stands in the corner waiting for
                                                 us to wait no longer. Every dialogue is a reach
        We can ensoul a dream object or dream  into the unknown where we listen to more
        personality by dialoguing with it, using active  than the echo of our own solitary being (8).”
        imagination. We can ask it why it showed
        up in our dream. Why it did what it did.  Taxonomy of dreams
        What is it feeling, what does it need from
        us?We speak as the dream object; then we  Dream experts in all cultures have paid
        return to our dream-ego, and speak as our  special attention to dreams as a means for
        self. We allow full freedom to the dream  reaching a non-ordinary state of consciousness.
        object. Kaplan-Williams shares the magic of  Dreams have been interpreted by spiritual
        dialogues in his chapter called ‘Dialoguing  masters, medical healers, medicine men,
        with dream images’:                      shamans and oracles. Various classifications
                                                 of dreams have been done by many dream
        “What an exciting possibility it is not to have  specialists. Let me classify them in three
        to always try and be in control of everything,  categories by the roles they play in our lives.
        but to be able instead to follow, to work with,  At the basic level, they prepare us to survive
        to create together a life direction superior in  by providing us with: prospective warning
        meaning to anything the ego can consciously  dreams; making us practise fight, flight,
        manufacture itself! (7).”                falling; urging us to propagate our genes;
                                                 enhancing our creative faculty; providing
        It is hard to believe that a person can switch  solutions to problems. In the second level,

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