Page 21 - NAMAH-Jul-2020
P. 21
The transcendent function of dreams
Lopa Mukherjee
This article explores the importance of night-time dreams and how paying attention to
them can help us in many ways.Dreams prepare us for survival; they heal us physically and
psychologically; they guide us in our spiritual journey. Dreams have been studied by spiritual
schools; they are used by medicine healers. Psychotherapists use dreams to understand their
patients, and through dreams the patient can get clues to heal him. This paper concentrates on
how dreams accompany us in our inner journeys. Examples from spiritual traditions, Indian
wisdom texts and Tibetan dream yoga are presented, along with Sri Aurobindo and the Mother’s
teachings on dreams in the night-school of Integral Yoga.
The transcendent function of dreams become cultural treasures abound in dreams,
such as Alice in Wonderland. In many myths
It is interesting that in many languages the a dream ushers in a big change; it marks the
word for night-time dreams is the same turning-point in a person’s life. Coleridge’s
as aspiration for a better future, and the
culmination of a perfect situation. There are
many other words for a positive outcome,
such as utopia, hope, fantasy, imagination,
wish, but none of them are as charged as
the word ‘dream’. Martin Luther King Jr.’s
speech, “I have a dream”, will inspire people
forever. There will be a dream job, a dream
team, a dream house, a dream partner to
wish for. I would say the word dream has a
magical quality to it because in the collective
experience of mankind, night-time dreams
have inspired people to strive for a future that
is grand and fantasy-like, almost ungraspable.
Songs, speeches, poems, stories that have