Page 32 - NAMAH-Jul-2020
P. 32
Namah Vol. 28, Issue 2, 15th July 2020
being not just ignorant but arrogant. Hence, Many commentators, especially of the Western
in this huge ‘forest’ of creation itself, every world, are suggesting that radical changes
being, every entity, from a virus to a man, have to be come, that out-of-the-box thinking
has its own place and no species can have needs to happen to ensure humanity does not
an absolute licence to invade others’ space. get crippled. But how is it going to happen?
The feminine, who is qualitatively different
The third most significant or central presence from the masculine, may hold the answer.
is that of a deer, and specifically, a female Again, this is not to say that women are better
deer. The deer is mostly symbolic of the soul, than men, for femininity and masculinity are
especially the gentle peaceful aspect of the psychological realities which exist in each one
soul, and it is particularly interesting that of us, and in fact to live a life in harmony,
the female deer is seen to peacefully chew we all individually need to balance these
the corona blossoms. The dream shows that qualities. Femininity, especially in the form
the soul does not react with dread and can in of a female deer, will evoke many responses
fact assimilate/digest even something which within each of us, and all of them are valid
is lethal to the human body. What a contrast as long as we have/feel a connection with
to the contraction we feel within ourselves, those qualities.
viewing every other person as a potential
carrier of the ´deadly´ virus and reacting The female deer is of course also a symbol of
with fear! This most wonderful image itself
is worth meditating upon and I am sure it
may cause interesting internal changes within
most of us. The image of femininity is also a
hint about the sort of qualities that are being
asked of us in order to approach the corona
rather than ´running away” from it (which
we are doing right now).
I am definitely not suggesting throwing all
care to the wind and making merry on the
streets and greeting and hugging our friends,
but it is rather about our inner response to this
situation than how we behave outwardly.
We must remain indoors because the virus
spreads rapidly and we are a country
with meagre resources with a humungous
population, but the truth is that we are facing
a global epidemic which is putting a burning
question to us: how are we going to make sure
that in the future, and the near-future, this sort
of an epidemic does not cause us to collapse
economically, socially and existentially?