Page 35 - NAMAH-Jul-2020
P. 35
Namah Yogic insights into human psychology
secure boundaries provide.
This kind of normalcy is found in plenty and
nature seems to multiply it fast. This inertia,
while useful to secure the physical type, our
human form and habits, and the tendencies in
the early model of humanity through heredity
and genetics, prevents us from degenerating
into a beast. At the same time it also prevents
us from evolving into a still higher type of
humanity. The average human pitch, the
common man, the customary thoughts and
practices, the ritualistic religion and standard
ideas and systems of a practical philosophy
are his stock with which he trades the goods of The Rakssasa
his life. The centre of the self here is the physical This is the fighter type. Whether for truth
form, the bodily ego and all that surrounds or for falsehood this type must fight, often
our bodily life and immediate physical violently so. This is the Rakssasic and Asuric
environment. This humanity is closer to the type of humanity whose description we find
animal kind even though the rudiment of in Indian scriptures. The difference between
thought has awakened in him and gives to the Rakssasa and the Asura is primarily in the
his brain the glint of early human intelligence. centre where his gigantic ego-self is stationed.
The Rakssasa is centred around the vital and
The angry Rakssasa and the arrogant Asura driven on the path of violent deeds in quite
a thoughtless, mindless manner. The Asura,
But eventually the force of evolution working on the other hand is a mental creature, even
in the heart of nature takes over and out of the sometimes a brilliant human being who
tamasic man refusing to grow there emerges nevertheless provides the intellectual support
a fiery and angry humanity, the early rajasic to the Rakssasa and gets his egoistic purposes
type. It breaks through the mould by sheer served through violence.
force of anger or the strong impulsion of
desire. It is moved by stormy and turbulent The Asura seems to have skipped a few
energies of lust, anger, and greed to acquire important evolutionary stages. His excessive
more and more, the ambition to expand its violent energy has made him leap immaturely
empire. Along with these violent energies into the skies of the mind, a leap that sooner
there is also born as its complimentary or later leads to an equally precipitous and
counterparts, jealousy, clinging attachment, calamitous fall. Nature, in general respects the
fears of all kinds but most of all of losing what steps of evolution and even though it seems
one has acquired or is violently attached to, to take sudden leaps in a few individuals,
be it a person or personal wealth or a position it is only momentary and temporary. The
of authority or simply an opinion held by the steps of the violent aggressive intellectual
mind as true. moved by titanic forces are bound to stumble