Page 9 - NAMAH-Jul-2020
P. 9
The dangers of oversimplification
Rabindranath Tagore met Sri Aurobindo a section of physicists. It seems that by
briefly on 29 May, 1928 and wrote about his relying on second order linear differential
impressions in a short essay. He complimented (SOLD) equations that bypassed non-linear
Sri Aurobindo for not denying the complexity terms, attempts to understand the mystery
of human life and for not unnecessarily of galaxies and the interior of quarks reflect
oversimplifying existential issues. The human a rather oversimplified quest of a real truth
personality consists of a bewildering diversity while attempts to write off discrepancies by
of elements and such a wealth of resources fancied concepts like ‘dark matter’ might
could not be denied for the sake of simplicity prove to be travesty of truth (4).
so as to fit any set pattern of life. The human
spirit, intrinsically free, could not be cramped In the field of psychology, it is difficult to
to doctrinal norms (1). explain behaviour in simplistic terms if
there are more than one dependent variable
Tagore was predated by Friedrich Nietzsche and if the dependent variables could not be
who was always interested in the philosophy simply combined. That is why non-linear
of the future, “O sancta simplicitas!”* In what multivariate models became more important
strange simplification and falsification man than univariate techniques. Yet they too could
lives! One can never cease wondering once not be successfully employed to classify
one has acquired eyes for this marvel! How depressive illness, illustrating that reality is
we have made everything around us clear far more complex than our assumptions
and free and easy and simple! ….. science at about the nature of the data processed.
its best seeks most to keep us in this simplified,
thoroughly artificial, suitably constructed Health has been an equally enigmatic field.
and suitably falsified world (2).” Nietzsche When a model of physical health proved
surmised that knowledge was sought to too simplistic, it had to be supplemented
be constructed on the granite foundation successively by the dimensions of social
of ignorance not by contradicting it but by health, psychological health and finally by
refining it (3). spiritual health. The definition of health was
never satisfactorily established as a mere
After more than a century, Nietzsche’s absence of illness until it was modelled on the
apprehensions for the sanctification of concept of well-being enshrined in Ayurveda,
simplicity have received attention from where the term swasthya denoted a sense of
*holy simplicity