Page 13 - NAMAH-Oct-2020
P. 13
The wheel of lower life
Dr. Venkatesh Palla
Any attempt to move towards human well-being will be grossly inadequate if we do not address
the issue of negative emotions. Yogic science describes six such emotions as the principal enemies
and they are known as the Arisadvargas. One can ask, if they are so detrimental, why should
Nature create them and preserve them? There was an evolutionary necessity. They provided
a help for survival, but are an obstacle to the growth into the higher consciousness. This article
vividly describes the hidden role of these negative emotions from an evolutionary perspective.
The evolutionary stride that nature has Food and sex, the two basic instincts, play
drawn for life to flourish on earth can also an important role in weaning out the old
be followed from biological and psycho- emotions and seeking fresh ones.
analytical perspectives. And so it is a common
observation that human beings and animals In yoga, these negative emotions are classified
exhibit similar emotions. The difference into six categories:
between human beings and animals lies in
the fact that the human mind can translate Kaama or lust,
emotions into thoughts and words and Krodha or anger,
thereby give these emotions a capacity to Lobha or avarice,
live for a longer time, whereas animals soon Moha or infatuation,
live out their emotions and fall into a kind of Mada or egocentricity, and
amnesia, typically tamasic, where they seek Maatsarya or envy.
similar fresh emotions. (tamas is the principle
of inertia, the other two principles being These are called Arissaddvargas or the six enemies
rajas or the principle of energy and sattva to spiritual progress in yoga.
or the principle of equilbrium between the
two tending towards Light. All these three All these negative emotions can be traced
principles become operative only when back to one or other kind of fear and all fears
they are joined together by the Supreme are rooted in their grand cause, the fear of
Will acting on the universal consciousness. death. Though they are called negative, as they